Visit Pinc Stuff @ Join the Pinc Stuff™ facebook Page Pinc Stuff™ Mini Top Hats coming SOON!! UPDATE: hehe… minor slip ups i kno~ XD gotta keep practicing!! ^^ Magic video: backed by popular demand!! =D !! Its a nice way to keep track of my progress.. if any… baby steps!! Thanks for watching~* “Baby, show me, show me, Whats your favorite trick that you wanna use on me, And Ill volunteer…” SONG: Love Sex Magic by Ciara and JT Lots of Love + Magic!! Pinc Stuff xoxo

Me & Corey Singing Love, Sex, & Magic by Ciara and Justin TimberLake CaLL me 214-989-3524
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wowwww that´s Great!!
I really love the way you guys sang this!!!
omg..ya’ll should cute together
Lol Yall is a mess. But yall can sang and Dondria I cant wait to get yo album
Yall Can Sing
Dondria killed it.. she sounds just like Ciara except dondria just has a little more soul in her first… and ciara is more pop
dondria in broadway yall can sing so good phatfffat u sound like ciara on this vid
dondria in broadway yall can sing so good phatfffat u sound like ciara on this vid
it looks like she’s doing running arms LOL! love the vid you guys are great singers,she sounds JUST LIKE CIARA if not better!
r u a couple or just friends?
. that was a gr8 vid! you two made me smile!
girl u got dat down packed i like 2 sing but i woudn’t have da guts 2 put it on youtube girl im an idol aka dat boy is so cute
aaw i see you’ve made it biqq! you have inspired me. i’ve been looking at you since you started! your biggest fan before i’ve comented on your vids under another name… siqn your biggest fan
you both are great singers
the way u guys sang this is way better than the original. I didnt even like this song until now that i heard u singin it
Corey sounds like Chris Brown!
Good And Funny
x (THE wAy ThE BoY Is dANCEInG iS ReAlLy FuNnY) bt its rrrrrrrreeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gud
i love useee<3
nice video and that is brave of u guys to sing and put it on a web and by the web corey i think u can sing and u to gurl
Why are y’all runnin’? Got some where to go? Oh, my sister wants to know what you use on your hair?
Braodway can SING
your better than Justin Timberlake and keep goin guys!!! You guys r AWESOME
Oh my goodness.This is great.You guys should go on a singing show.your guys could really become famous
you guys are amazing. best duet on YouTube! <3