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Visit Pinc Stuff @ Join the Pinc Stuff™ facebook Page Pinc Stuff™ Mini Top Hats coming SOON!! UPDATE: hehe… minor slip ups i kno~ XD gotta keep practicing!! ^^ Magic video: backed by popular demand!! =D !! Its a nice way to keep track of my progress.. if any… baby steps!! Thanks for watching~* “Baby, show me, show me, Whats your favorite trick that you wanna use on me, And Ill volunteer…” SONG: Love Sex Magic by Ciara and JT Lots of Love + Magic!! Pinc Stuff xoxo

Me & Corey Singing Love, Sex, & Magic by Ciara and Justin TimberLake CaLL me 214-989-3524
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to §Pinc Magic§: Love Sex Magic

  • LleytonRox1 says:


  • bluecheeserulz says:

    can digital babu and rengisedeht stop fighting online if you people dont even know each other..

  • rynkuangel says:

    cute girl

  • mititiko says:



  • faeleia says:

    Oooh, I actually realised how a lot of these are done the 2nd time i viewed this video 🙂 She’s cool

  • feliciaadawn says:

    2.34 is obvious but everything else is awesome!

  • Carycomic says:


    How true!

  • Carycomic says:

    The Canadian $50 bill (1:38) is obviously a lot stronger than its American counterpart. 😉

  • MrMax89 says:

    Nice!! Magic is always more “magical” when done by someone pretty.

  • LanaKristyna says:

    You’re great!

  • mangosmoothie101 says:


  • nukem384 says:

    dang those tricks are tighttttt. magic is so cool!

  • TD1198 says:

    haha awesome its 50 CANADIAN!

  • HPrules06 says:

    kewl video!! ahh the coin roll…i still have trouble with that..rofl….btw, i like ur mini top hat lolz

  • rengisedeht says:

    The sleight/trick are only a small part of the magic.
    Setting, audience control, image and entertainment are also constituents.
    She is obviously a student who needs constructive information and not “just don’t post”.
    Your view is CORRECT that the performance needs lots of polish. Your post seemed a little too harsh for this video. Women in magic are under represented let’s encourage them with helpful tips and not just criticism.
    You forgot the alluring eyes.

  • rengisedeht says:

    He responded with: HE liked the video and the reasons why he liked the video. Those reasons refute your 1st statement that this video, “spoiled magic for laymen”.
    The 2nd part of his response was “He told you not to post unless it was good enough, EXACTLY what you did in your 1st post! ”

    If his opinion on your post not being “good enough for youtube” is FAULTY then that means your argument is also FAULTY.
    The 2nd pat of his post was meant to be an aphorism/proverb not as an ad hominem.

  • rengisedeht says:

    No its not your opinion it was how you expressed said opinion.
    The spelling was just an example used by lane99 to illustrate you imposing your standards on 2 large communities of people.

    You condemned the video for being posted with imperfect sleights.
    The sleight or trick is only a part of what makes magic, magic.
    Patter, setting, magician’s control of spectators, persona, and entertainment are what makes magic, magic.

  • DigitalBabu says:

    If what you say would be true, it would be the most stupid way of trying to respond. Seeing that by that same token any kind of criticism can be replied with a non-relevant flaw on the part of the one giving the critique. And that is de facto an ad hominem fallacy.

    It is inherent to magic that it shouldn’t be revealed in the course of performing. More so it is disastrous for magic since magic relies on things hidden to it’s spectators. But I guess I’m the odd one in this crowd of fans.

  • rengisedeht says:

    But the fallacy is yours!
    lane99 did NOT assault your character he assaulted your argument 1st.
    He clearly enjoyed the video.
    He being a laymen did not want you to condem her for a not up to your standards presentation of tricks/sleights.
    Only at the end did he do to you what YOU did to pincstuff.
    He told you not to post unless it was good enough, EXACTLY what you did in your 1st post!

  • DigitalBabu says:

    Such rhetoric adds only to the fallacy, whether there’s a beam in my eye is of no necessary consequence for the “mote” I mentioned.

    Clearly spelling error is in no way related to the subject at hand, especially considering the fact that I only err in quite a typical way for non-native English speakers; which has little to no consequence for the intelligibility of what I said.

  • DigitalBabu says:

    Rigid thinking, an artist cannot be audience?

    Magic is spoiled if it’s constituents (sleight, patter, persona) are broken, and magicians (amateur and professional) strive to prevent the “laymen” to see it when it’s broken, because then the “disappointing” fabric of magic is shown.

    Am I so wrong for having such a view, or is you’re opinion so clouded by all the pink and cutesy smiles?

  • DigitalBabu says:

    You’re becoming overzealous in pointing out that my opinion is not welcome here. I gave my criticism, albeit not with full argumentation and was being called “Digital Babble” and was called out for improper spelling. While no response was made to my actual point.

    I did not condemn anyone for being imperfect. There’s a difference between condemnation and criticism. If you can’t do a sleight perfect, don’t put it on youtube. It’s inherent to what makes magic, magic.

  • rengisedeht says:

    Have some professional magicians evaluate this performance. You will see positive comments and help in perfecting her performance instead of the heavy handed criticism that you dealt out.

    “valid ad hominem” boy what an oxymoron.LOL
    Just calling someone a name is not an “ad hominem”. Saying someone is WRONG because they are a douche bag is one.

    YOU condemn for imperfection!
    lane99 cites your imperfection.
    But He’s the douche bag?
    DigitalBabu or lane99

  • rengisedeht says:

    Are you a professional magician?
    If so how can you comment for the layman?
    In your 1st post you said “It spoils it for laymen who want to enjoy magic, it spoils it for performers who mastered their art.”
    Either your a professional or layman.
    Did you not know how most of those slight worked? If you do then is magic spoiled? No!!
    She is a student of the craft obviously and students are still learning! Even professional magicians flub a performance.

  • rengisedeht says:

    Yes exactly. Evidently you have NOT read YOUR second post!
    YOU claim not to ask for the “ad hominem”.
    lane99 did not attack your character and then claim your argument false. He used the aphorism/proverb “people who live in glass houses should not throw stones/ why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

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