my sister used to practice witchcraft, i honestly tried with a very open, neutral-stance’d and unbiased insightful mind to see what you can attain from this practice spiritually, even though you are invoking spirits and “the forces” to help you and gain things in this mundane world, i really couldn’t recognize any true depth of inner wisdom in this practice which surpasses those superficial and shallow things
@Miserylovesme4ever i berly pulle of the despell of a spell working on me for more than 7 years changed to the neo pegan now i finally did but still having sume memorial issues goin to erase them are desable them are sumthing soon befor it re actives again
@Miserylovesme4ever i berly pulle of the despell of a spell working on me for more than 7 years changed to the neo pegan now i finally did but still having sume memorial issues goin to erase them are desable them are sumthing soon befor it re actives again
@ELoveSquadUp Yes, very true. And I can relate with that since, many Christians believe that my church (Mormon) doesn’t worship the same Jesus and all this jazz. So yeah, no problem.
@CharmingPixieFlora i hope i didnt offend you in any way by answering a question directed at you. i have nothing but the upmost respect for you and cherish your advice and wisdom. you truely are an inspiration to me and i thankyou for all that you for all of us. if i did offend you in anyway i am deeply sorry. chloey
@Bravo97779 Wicca is a branch of pagonism, like christians there are many branches of faith (such as baptist, catholic, or espicopalian). A christian is any person who believes in god and jesus, a Pagan is a person who does not believe in the abrahamic god. Wicca is a branch of pagonism forged by a man named Gerald Gardner. Hope this helps
@ELoveSquadUp its very refreshing to hear that, many judge us before they know the facts so im glad you did ask, its nice to see an open mind. sadly our stereotype is often caused by uninformed people who happen to believe that if its there god we are not worshiping then it must be the devil which is very untrue. thank you for your understanding bb chloey
@chloeyrose okay, cool. yeah, I’m not one to automatically misjudge a belief system for something that its not. Thats why I asked. I hear a lot of people, unfortunately, that stereotype “witches” as devil and Satan lovers. So thanks for the clarification. I’m accepting of all good things!
@ELoveSquadUp You can Google them and read the difference. It is too much to go into here… basicly, Pagans, wiccans and Satanists are all different. Satanists worship Satan. Pagans and Wiccan’s do not believe in Satan, We revere nature. Wiccans believe in the Wiccan Doctrine. Paganism is an Earth/Nature based path.
@ELoveSquadUp pagans dont believe in the devil therefore dont worship him, they believe in masculine and feminine gods, nature, the eliments,the sun and moon, spirits, self enlightenment and thirst for knowledge to help oneself grow and evolve. most are excepting of all religions and spiritual paths. there are many branches of pagonism like most religions and most believe one should follow what feels right to them. as far as devil worship goes i couldnt tell ya, you’d have to look that one up
@CharmingPixieFlora So what is the difference between a Satanist and a Wiccan/Pagan? no offence, I really wanna gain knowledge in other spectrum’s of the worlds belief patterns.
This is such a good idea. I sometimes feel very down for the way i look. But maybe if i start doing this that will change. Thanx for the idea. ^_^ Btw yur such a beautiful person inside and out :3 And i love your “Yays” Theyr so happy Haha XD
@MrBelford666 Why in this world did you even thought she might be a satanist? *rolls my eyes* And Flora, this video is awesome I love your affirmations and your videos.
I love this! Your so bubbly this is so true! When ur content and love urself, ull be happy and then u will meet someone who will suit u. Keep up the videos!
I sure needed this today. I’m PMSing and grumpy as all get out. lol I really hate myself when I’m like this too, I feel fat and ugly and the works. I know in my head it wall pass when the hormones straighten out but i still get depressed. So, I’m right in the worse part of the emotional swing and watched this. Perfect timing!
Also I want to do that for my children to. It’s a super great idea. Kids are put through so much emotional stress they need all the affirmation they can get.
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@MrBelford666 yah why would anyone be a satinist i hate them
my sister used to practice witchcraft, i honestly tried with a very open, neutral-stance’d and unbiased insightful mind to see what you can attain from this practice spiritually, even though you are invoking spirits and “the forces” to help you and gain things in this mundane world, i really couldn’t recognize any true depth of inner wisdom in this practice which surpasses those superficial and shallow things
not very much to find here….
@Miserylovesme4ever i berly pulle of the despell of a spell working on me for more than 7 years changed to the neo pegan now i finally did but still having sume memorial issues goin to erase them are desable them are sumthing soon befor it re actives again
@Miserylovesme4ever i berly pulle of the despell of a spell working on me for more than 7 years changed to the neo pegan now i finally did but still having sume memorial issues goin to erase them are desable them are sumthing soon befor it re actives again
You have a wonderful soul.
@ELoveSquadUp Yes, very true. And I can relate with that since, many Christians believe that my church (Mormon) doesn’t worship the same Jesus and all this jazz. So yeah, no problem.
@CharmingPixieFlora i hope i didnt offend you in any way by answering a question directed at you. i have nothing but the upmost respect for you and cherish your advice and wisdom. you truely are an inspiration to me and i thankyou for all that you for all of us. if i did offend you in anyway i am deeply sorry. chloey
@Bravo97779 Wicca is a branch of pagonism, like christians there are many branches of faith (such as baptist, catholic, or espicopalian). A christian is any person who believes in god and jesus, a Pagan is a person who does not believe in the abrahamic god. Wicca is a branch of pagonism forged by a man named Gerald Gardner. Hope this helps
@ELoveSquadUp its very refreshing to hear that, many judge us before they know the facts so im glad you did ask, its nice to see an open mind. sadly our stereotype is often caused by uninformed people who happen to believe that if its there god we are not worshiping then it must be the devil which is very untrue. thank you for your understanding bb chloey
@chloeyrose okay, cool. yeah, I’m not one to automatically misjudge a belief system for something that its not. Thats why I asked. I hear a lot of people, unfortunately, that stereotype “witches” as devil and Satan lovers. So thanks for the clarification. I’m accepting of all good things!
@ELoveSquadUp You can Google them and read the difference. It is too much to go into here… basicly, Pagans, wiccans and Satanists are all different. Satanists worship Satan. Pagans and Wiccan’s do not believe in Satan, We revere nature. Wiccans believe in the Wiccan Doctrine. Paganism is an Earth/Nature based path.
@ELoveSquadUp pagans dont believe in the devil therefore dont worship him, they believe in masculine and feminine gods, nature, the eliments,the sun and moon, spirits, self enlightenment and thirst for knowledge to help oneself grow and evolve. most are excepting of all religions and spiritual paths. there are many branches of pagonism like most religions and most believe one should follow what feels right to them. as far as devil worship goes i couldnt tell ya, you’d have to look that one up
@CharmingPixieFlora So what is the difference between a Satanist and a Wiccan/Pagan? no offence, I really wanna gain knowledge in other spectrum’s of the worlds belief patterns.
This is such a good idea. I sometimes feel very down for the way i look. But maybe if i start doing this that will change.
Thanx for the idea. ^_^ Btw yur such a beautiful person inside and out :3 And i love your “Yays” Theyr so happy Haha XD
I like your smile
There’s a great spell guide and online spell book at MagickSpellCraft.
the more I see this video, the more it helps me!!! (of course I do my affirmations!!! and I do work with the mirror A LOT !!!).
@CharmingPixieFlora So pagans don’t call themselves Wiccans?
@MrBelford666 Why in this world did you even thought she might be a satanist? *rolls my eyes* And Flora, this video is awesome I love your affirmations and your videos.
I love this! Your so bubbly this is so true! When ur content and love urself, ull be happy and then u will meet someone who will suit u. Keep up the videos!
i dont know who i am or how to find out
Thank you for this video. By the way, your very pretty! ^_^
u are so wise!!!
I sure needed this today. I’m PMSing and grumpy as all get out. lol I really hate myself when I’m like this too, I feel fat and ugly and the works. I know in my head it wall pass when the hormones straighten out but i still get depressed. So, I’m right in the worse part of the emotional swing and watched this. Perfect timing!
Also I want to do that for my children to. It’s a super great idea. Kids are put through so much emotional stress they need all the affirmation they can get.