1 Higher Self Be Here Now, Power Of Now Present Christine Breeze
PublishedJuly 19, 2010
University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breese www.umsonline.org http Wisdom Of the Heart Church 501(c)3 www.ucmeta.org Starlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletter http Christine Breese www.christinebreese.info http These talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate DD and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects. Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at umsonline.org for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at www.myspace.com If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit: www.christinebreesevideotranscripts.com “To enlighten, or enlight, means ‘to know.’ Enlightenment means ‘to know yourself’ and who you really are. Nonduality (non duality) is a metaphysic concept that is taught by many teachers. Many people have benefited by books such as Power of Now, Be Here Now, Power versus Force, and … Video Rating: 4 / 5
free dvds available at www.freeplanet2012.com Video Rating: 5 / 5
28 Responses to 1 Higher Self Be Here Now, Power Of Now Present Christine Breeze
I love Christine…. You make me want to be a master once again, I enjoyed it so much when I was more active and spent time in nature. Thanks for making a difference and your philosophy, it’s real.
how do i know im in the right path to enlightment? i understand oneness, my body is just an illusion as everything i can see or touch or smell or taste.. i have felt a shift in my consciousness but is not permanent.. as soon as i get together with my friends my mind starts talking and i lose this sense of oneness.. how can i feel oneness in every act of my life? i understand oneness.. but, how can i apply this state of consciousness to every moment of my life and make my mind shut up??
@sergsfault i was in the same situation for long…..but the truth is that you are the center of your universe. and everybody is the center of his/her universe. what you call others, are like shadows to help you know your true Self….as you are a shadow to them….thats my understanding
i’ve been getting stoned a lot lately to find god..and one thing keeps me puzzled what are othe rpeople its the issue thats been haunting me since childhood i mean there’s me i know what i see and hear how do i accept other people as being as real as i think i am….i mean sure they’re just representations of myself but how do i accept thta what they see and hear is as real as what i do
Christine speaks words of profound meaning. Reminds me of Paul Brunton/Ramana Maharshi, great sages from the past. Christine gives a modern interpretation on the ancient truths.
So I liked the other random video so much, I decided to start the series in order. about 10 seconds into this, I feel like anyone with some music skills should take the vocals out and overlay them onto some funky dubstep. I think it would be a great addition to a song as well as spreading some well explained information around. Still loving the message and the backgrounds
she is really aware of spiritual existance allot of people live their lives doing the whole kids, work, friends and a house thing to reach a sense of completion to their lives i like how she is aware of things we cant even think to ask
Thank you so much, Fasting today and saw this at first I got scared when the video came on and I saw you saying don’t trust the mind.. Then I realised that when I listened to mind I wasn’t working from my higher self, you just reaffirmed some key issues Thanks!
the mind is another gear, just like the emotions are another gear, i dont think the mind is ‘built to fool you’.. its a tool, if you swing the hammer and keep missing the nail head do you say “this hammer is trying to trick me” lol.. no.. well some people do
I love Christine…. You make me want to be a master once again, I enjoyed it so much when I was more active and spent time in nature. Thanks for making a difference and your philosophy, it’s real.
very helpful
merci christine
how do i know im in the right path to enlightment? i understand oneness, my body is just an illusion as everything i can see or touch or smell or taste.. i have felt a shift in my consciousness but is not permanent.. as soon as i get together with my friends my mind starts talking and i lose this sense of oneness.. how can i feel oneness in every act of my life? i understand oneness.. but, how can i apply this state of consciousness to every moment of my life and make my mind shut up??
I wish there were more people in the world like you
hey there i need find way contact my higher self being
@sergsfault i was in the same situation for long…..but the truth is that you are the center of your universe. and everybody is the center of his/her universe. what you call others, are like shadows to help you know your true Self….as you are a shadow to them….thats my understanding
i’ve been getting stoned a lot lately to find god..and one thing keeps me puzzled what are othe rpeople its the issue thats been haunting me since childhood i mean there’s me i know what i see and hear how do i accept other people as being as real as i think i am….i mean sure they’re just representations of myself but how do i accept thta what they see and hear is as real as what i do
Christine speaks words of profound meaning. Reminds me of Paul Brunton/Ramana Maharshi, great sages from the past. Christine gives a modern interpretation on the ancient truths.
Nice Video.
So I liked the other random video so much, I decided to start the series in order. about 10 seconds into this, I feel like anyone with some music skills should take the vocals out and overlay them onto some funky dubstep. I think it would be a great addition to a song as well as spreading some well explained information around. Still loving the message and the backgrounds
she always jump starts the mind I love that about her
she is really aware of spiritual existance allot of people live their lives doing the whole kids, work, friends and a house thing to reach a sense of completion to their lives i like how she is aware of things we cant even think to ask
oh…thank you…I needed to hear that now…I forget my way on these journeys sometimes…
hi i agree i am attempting to write without punctuation for the first time yes i shall soon be as if dreaming and awake at the same time
Thank you so much, Fasting today and saw this at first I got scared when the video came on and I saw you saying don’t trust the mind.. Then I realised that when I listened to mind I wasn’t working from my higher self, you just reaffirmed some key issues Thanks!
So wonderful to see another lightworker spreading love and light, Namaste Sister
If I may… the “mind” is awesome – the problem lie in WHO IS USING IT and HOW Bless you, you’re rad!
thank you GOd for sending this women.
Truth! Real Speech here folks!
you are such an amazing soul so much truth and wholeness you have helped me on my path
i love you chris breezy, that was a wonderful piece of spirituality, especially hearing it from the mouth of a pretty woman.
You have a high spiritual energy level. Whats your secret? Do you do energy work?
Thank you.
the mind is another gear, just like the emotions are another gear, i dont think the mind is ‘built to fool you’.. its a tool, if you swing the hammer and keep missing the nail head do you say “this hammer is trying to trick me” lol.. no.. well some people do
life IS a joke and either you “get it” or you don’t. Knock knock…
Thank you.
Your beautiful mind is loved.