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10 Down-to-Earth Ways to Clear Your Solar Plexus Chakra and Manifest the Life You Want

Do you lack confidence in yourself? Experience problems with digestion or have allergies? Do you have trouble speaking up in a group? Is it difficult for you to get what you want, or to make things happen? Do you feel like others push you around? Do you wish you could step up to a leadership role?

If any of this sounds like you, it might help to learn some ways to clear and balance your solar plexus chakra.

Also known as the navel chakra, it is the third of the seven chakras. Called Manipura in Sankrit, it governs our self-esteem and personal power.

Clearing, balancing, and opening your third chakra can help you develop a healthy sense of self-worth, stand up for yourself better, grow as a leader, become more effective, and successfully set and reach goals.

You don’t have to be a trained energy healer to heal your 3rd chakra. Read on to learn 10 down-to-earth, satisfying ways that you can give your solar plexus chakra a “tune-up.”  But first:

What Are the Chakras?
Chakras are organs of our energy body. They act as energy portals, exchanging energy with the rest of the cosmos.

There are seven primary chakras, located along the center line of the upper body, from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head.  Each chakra is associated with different glands, organs, body areas, and elements of our life, personality, and spiritual development.

The chakras are critical to our physical health, the quality of our life, and our ability to develop spiritually.

The Healthy Chakra
A healthy chakra is open, allowing energy to flow freely both horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the universe, and vertically, connecting it with the

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