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10 Down-to-Earth Ways to Cultivate Your Crown Chakra and Support Your Spiritual Path

For each of us, it is possible to rise above the worries and confusion of daily life and have a sense of peace, harmony, unconditional love, and even bliss. It is possible to feel unity with all things, including your “higher power.”

Clearing, balancing, and cultivating your crown chakra can help you prepare for these higher spiritual states.

Highest of the seven chakras, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head. Called Sahasrara in Sanskrit, it governs spirituality, pure consciousness, transcendence, and unity with the divine.

Read on to learn ten ways that you can clear and cultivate this key chakra. But first:

What Are the Chakras?
Chakras are organs of our energy body–energy portals that receive, assimilate and transmit life energies to/from the rest of the cosmos.

There are seven primary chakras, located along the body’s center-line, from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with different aspects of body, life, personality, and spirituality.

The Healthy Chakra
A healthy chakra is open, allowing energy to flow freely both horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the universe, and vertically, connecting it with the other chakras.

It’s common to have one or more chakras blocked or out of balance to some degree. This can cause disruptions in a person’s body, mind, spirit, and life.

The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras, located at the top of the head (or just above). Its keywords are “transcendence” and “pure consciousness.” It is associated with the colors white and purple, and the element

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