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10 Keys to Using Color With Feng Shui

For those that are looking to change their lives and want to take a fresh, organic and affordable path to that goal, Feng Shui is the answer. Feng Shui is much more than just organizing your belongings in a particular way to allow for optimal chi flow, it is an entire state of mind.

Feng Shui is much more effective if used in conjunction with other aspects of your life like positive thinking, honest living and meditation. Those aspects of your life work like a magnifying glass that helps to grow and nurture your chi so that not only can it flow freer, but it can also be more powerful.

There are even more things you can do with Feng Shui than just arrange your furniture. Since Feng Shui is so closely related to one’s well being, each color is associated with a particular mood, goal or feeling. Depending on what you are trying to achieve with your Feng Shui, whether it be wealth, health or love, there are individual colors that you want to focus on to help steer your chi in the direction you want it to go in. Here is a list of what each color means to your chi and what you can do to help it.

A few tips to start with: Not everyone likes every color, so if you feel you need to add a color to an area, but it’s not a color you’re particularly fond of, try to find a shade of that color you like, or, at the very least, find an object that you feel strongly about that is colored with the chosen color. Feng Shui will be much more effective if you have a positive reaction to everything you see in your home. Don’t add a color just to add one.

· Blue – Blue is the perfect color to use in the area in which you meditate. It has a very calming affect and it is

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