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10 Steps Out of the Broom Closet

Come out, come out, whenever you can!

The statistics regarding how many Pagans choose to keep their religion a secret are difficult to obtain and any numbers that are calculated are certain to be somewhat flawed. We do tend to be a secretive bunch and we have good reason to be. Pagans have lost jobs, housing, even custody of children all because they practice an earth-based religion. People stare and shake their heads sadly while telling us we are going to hell. Even though the laws of our country clearly protect our religious freedom and our government officially recognizes Paganism as a valid religion, we still remain something that society would rather not see, something sinister to be kept hidden away behind closed doors. It is human nature to be leary of what is unknown and mysterious.

So why do we hide? The easy answer is that so many of us keep our religious choice private for fear of the consequences. Would we be fired? Would we be forced to move? Would the neighbor stop waving at us in the driveway? It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of religion and the law is on our side, but only if we use it. Those who came before us did not have it so easy. Countless brave souls have fought and died for our right to practice our faith, yet so many Pagans hide it away as if they have something to hide. Our secretiveness gives the appearance that we are hiding something dark and sinister that society would not accept, when in reality if most people understood the Pagan religion they would realize that it is not something to be feared at all. We have nothing to feel guilty for nor be ashamed of, and yet we keep it hidden. What honor do we give to those who have sacrificed for religious freedoms if we

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