11:11 Afterlife/astrology Tarot-Angel Communications
The Cross represents the Passing Over to the Otherside. As Jesus died on the Cross, he promised one dying sinner that they would both crossover to the Otherside (of new life) that day. When Jesus died and “Gave Up The Ghost”, a Great Earthquake appeared and dead people in graves “came out” and went into the City. While alive, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to an usually high Mountain where dead Moses and dead Elijah were seen.
The Bible speaks of a time when a dark or blackness “Comes (Again)” to Planet Earth. This black darkness (thick gloom) is directly associated with the opening of the Portal (Doorway, Gateway) to the Otherside (Exodus 19:1-17; Joel 2:1-35; Matthew 24:20-34; Revelation 9:1-5). The Bible calls this Portal, the Bottomless pit (Revelation 9:1-17; Revelation 17:10-16), the Sea (Revelation 13:1-15; Psalm 104:20-27) and Space (Revelation 17:10-16). The Beast who can Come and God (Ascend and Descend) in and out of this Bottomless Pit Portal of the Other World (Nether Exodus 19:1-7, 8-17) is often called Leviathan (Psalm 104:20-27) The Beast-Dragon-Serpent -Pharaoh (Revelation 13:1-10; Ezekiel 29:3; Revelation 12:1-17), and Jesus-the Lifted Serpent Who Causes Rebirth (from Baptism in the Womb- Bottomless Pit-World of Dead-Ancient Egypt) or “Being Born Again” (the Dead “walking” again).
History connects Pharaoh Akhenaten with Moses, Joseph, Jesus and many other Savior-type “Sons” of God. The Bible makes it perfectly clear, that when this “Son” of God “Comes Again” to planet Earth, that “many who were once dead, asleep in the dust” shall “rise up (live again)” and actively participate in the daily affairs of plane earth (and they went
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