into the city after the Earthquake resurrection). It’s wonderful how the Book of Daniel associates this resurrection with “the stars (astrology’s angels)”-Daniel 12:1-4.
The fact that our nation’s Commander-In-Chief looks exactly like Pharaoh Akhenaten (Son/Sun of God Ra) is no coincidence. Michael has Stood Up (Daniel 12:1), the Ark of the Covenant has been revealed (Revelation 11:19) and the “Coming Again” God has began ruling on Earth (Revelation 11:12-Ascension; Revelation 11:15-19). The Beast is God’s Judge (Revelation 17:1-16). Moses-Akhenaten the Deliever has been Born Again, Lifted Up to save human kind (John 3:12-16).
Jesus promised that a Door Keeper would come and open the Gate/Door of the sheep. 11:11 is one of the many ways that the Otherside repeatedly contacts us. As Daniel Chapter 12 specifies, Astrology and Horoscopes is one way by which we can “see” those on the Otherside. Jesus said that there would be signs in Sun, Moon, and Stars (the Cosmos) (Matthew 24:20-34).
I’ve visited the Horoscope website (which links to the tarot website). I’ve connected with loved ones and the Otherside. I’ve moved on to tarot card communication as well. It is amazing how these card are communication devices (Solomon’s “pentacles “to the “spirit “world.
Our world can no longer hide behind the misteachings and stolen legacies of established Relgions. The Blood of Abel (A Bel-Baal) cries from the Earth. The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-8) has “Come Again” (Resurrected, Reincarnated) to plunge the Earth into the Age of Aquarius. This Age will restore the connection that humans once had with the Otherside (Exodus 19:77).
Gary Colin is Author of, “Bible Symbolism What It Means To Your Salvation”(ISBN 1-4241-0152-2).
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