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12 Ways to Come Alive!

What’s the purpose of life?

What an age-old, persistent question of humankind. Why is the
answer so elusive for so many people?

Because we allow our mind to complicate the issue.

The mind will always complicate any issue. That’s its job.
That’s its nature. That’s its joy!

The mind has to complicate every aspect of life that it can.
So that it can separate life into parts. So that it can do
what it loves to do—analyze, contrast, compare, categorize and

And if we allow our mind to complicate every activity of our
lives, we’ll keep looking to our mind to figure it all out.
And we never will figure it all out. So, we’ll always keep
thinking and struggling—seeking and not finding!

As Lester Levenson, one of my dear teachers enjoyed saying,
“The mind will never assist you to free yourself from the

So, the answer is to not consult the mind. Rather, consult the

“The heart has its reasons that reason does not know.” (Blaise
Pascal 1623-1662)

So, then, what is the purpose of life?

The heart has a simple answer. The purpose of life is to
experience. Simply to experience.

Experience what? Life. Simply life. Explore. Enjoy. Embrace.
Embody. Life.

I offer a menu of 12 simple ways to come alive. … To fulfill
your deepest inner passion to fully experience life!

1. Find a Secret Special Place
Find a place that is easily accessible so that you can go
there often. And a space where most people wouldn’t look for
you to be, so you can have some good quality alone time. It
might be a park,

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