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bundles—of your free
time to ventures that enrich your pure enjoyment of life.
Pursue activities that make you feel fantastic and vibrant.

Take a stretch break. A bagel break. Take five for fun. Take a
breather for your body. Take it easy for your heart. Take
yourself on a date. Take a drive in the country. Go on a trek
around the block, to Starbucks, or to your favorite store. Do
something, anything, that is alive and energizing for you.

Shift your space. Move your body as much and as often as you
can all day. Active, physical movement will center, balance,
ground and revitalize you. The more you participate in life,
the more life—in the form of love, money and health—will flow
through you. Hike, jog, skip, swim, garden, cook, sing,
skydive, quilt or paint. Let your body dance you. Play music
that speaks to your soul.

Start every day with activities that are the most exciting to
you, not the tasks you think you should get done. Focus on
keeping and building your momentum as you flow through your
day. You’ll have plenty of energy and time to accomplish all
necessary chores.

6. Choose Innocence (Freedom)
Choose in-no-sense. Choose non-sense. Light some in-sense so
you can enter into non-sense. Choose to be innocent—free—of
preconception, prejudice, expectation. Adopt a beginner’s
mind. Be a blank slate. “Become ye as a child and enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.” Be open to unexpected sources of income,
resources and support. Invite surprise. Welcome serendipity.
Travel light—and journey in the land of delight.

Play on the ground like a baby. Fly a kite, roll in the

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