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Tantra and “Sacred Sex” “Shakti is the creator of the Universe, And the Universe is her fascinating body; Shakti is the basis of the entire world; She is the intimate substance of any body.” – Shaktisangama Tantra Tantra pertains to a group of religious and magical texts concerned with various techniques of attaining enlightenment in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, dating from the 6th to the 13th centuries. Tantra is largely concerned with the mantras, meditation, yoga, and rituals dedicated to the worship of the feminine principle of divine energy called, “Shakti.” We have previously shown that the Vedic gods were largely male personifications of nature and human virtues. We have also seen in that the objects of worship of the feminine goes back earlier than the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization into prehistoric times by Vedic and non-Vedic cultures. Some historians postulate that there were parallel currents of religious veneration of the male and female representations in different regions of India. Indeed, many apparent “Goddess” figurines have been located at the Harappan site causing some historians to believe that a pre-Vedic Mother Goddess cult may have existed in Neolithic India. In any case, the Vedas do mention Aditi, the mother of the Gods, and goddess of the sky and earth, quite remarkable and unique for an ancient culture. full text at http Researched and Presented by Darryl W Thomas for Desteni Desteniproductions bernardpoolman for

An observation of how Christian beliefs who were taken from Egyptian & later Roman transformed sacred sex & the worship of divine children organs of creation into pedophilia, algolagnia & deluded immorality.

36 Responses to 13 “Sacred Sex” and Tantra in the Secret History of the LOA

  • calpurnpiso says:


    I do appreciate the input. Please watch my other videos that deal with the subject & then some. All I say in my videos is backed up with historical & scientific facts, I do appreciate valid corrections which keep me making the proper connections to arrive at a truth

    Best regards. Calp

  • abominableangel says:

    i came on here to see what you were about this was the first video i watched of yours so you see i have no idea who you are or what youre about, but i come across the statement as quoted and found that to be a gross generalization. i understand the etymology of the word pedophile but you went on to say how disgusting pedophiles are there for using the modern definition of pedophilia

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Don’t concentrate on minutia. ALL religious belief begun in ancient Egypt. Creation begun with an ACT of MASTURBATION. The stars where GODS & were depicted also as naked CHILDREN whose organs of CREATION were deemed SACRED..pedo=Child, Philos=Lover of, for wisdom & learning

    Pedophilia as per understanding of LOVE of CHILDREN in ancient times meant LOVE of their floating essences in heaven, not SEXUAL gratification as seen today

    Please get educated.I’m referring to CHRISTIANITY

  • abominableangel says:

    again an assumption that i don’t know what i’m talking about and if you check your video you will say ” the moment you have a religious belief you have pedophilia it is innate” regardless of the title of the video you mention the origins of organised religion with the Egyptians and paganism but then went on to say the above quote which classifies all religious people as pedophiles which is grossly incorrect

  • calpurnpiso says:


    all religious beliefs? The title of my video is
    Sacred Sex wrought CHRISTIAN PEDOPHILIA faith

    Are you a Christ-psychotic? Please watch

    h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e. c o m / w a t ch ? v = s U u H Q f 8 e V C w

    i suggest you study the Roman religion to understand WHERE the so called PAGAN & Abrahamic religions originated from

  • abominableangel says:

    i am concerned with this assertion that all religious belief leads to pedophilia.
    I am not of the Abrahamic traditions, i am a pagan.. im going to go as far to say all pagans are comfortable with their sexuality, we have no dogma or sacred texts in which to state sex is “sinful” or should be avoided so am i to assume that because i have a belief in gods you class me as a pedophile? you can class me as delusional if you choose it doesnt bother me i dont care or require you believe in any god(s)

  • monkeypeopleofearth says:

    calpurnpiso speaks the truth. Religion is a “virus of the mind”. Christianity comes from Egyptian mythology. The Egyptian Gods “Horus and Set” became “Jesus and Satan”

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Hey retard get a NEW BRAIN the title of my video moron is:

    Sacred Sex Wrought Christian Pedophilia Faith

    For your education ALL RELIGIOUS BELIEFS originated in EGYPT 5,000 years ago.

    What does my video have to do with CATHOLICS or PROTESTANTS retard? 4:30

    I know TRUTH hurts specially to people infected with delusions accepting schizophrenia type disorder I call Christ-psychosis 5:25

    Neurology, fool, PROVES we CREATE god & other delusions with our brains. Bye get well soon

  • trojanspaghetti says:

    hey stupid- the Catholics priests have half the rate of pedophilia than protestants and mirrors the molestation rate of society- so get yeour facts straight.

  • MysticalNinja64 says:

    why would it be more erotic for deeply religious people? is it because they all secretly want to be bad?

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Please study SCIENCE then you’ll understand. BTW Semen has already been CREATED as well as life in the LAB.

    If you believe ZOMBIE JESUS is a CREATOR you’ll NEVER be a good SCIENTIST

    Atheism means LACK OF BELIEF. We are ALL BORN atheist. We CREATE god & the MIND with our brains. I back up EVERYTHING I say with FACTS but the subject of my video is:
    Sacred Sex Wrought Christian Pedophilia Faith

    Since you FAIL to discuss it, bye, please get EDUCATED a brain in an awful thing to waste

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