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Tantra and “Sacred Sex” “Shakti is the creator of the Universe, And the Universe is her fascinating body; Shakti is the basis of the entire world; She is the intimate substance of any body.” – Shaktisangama Tantra Tantra pertains to a group of religious and magical texts concerned with various techniques of attaining enlightenment in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, dating from the 6th to the 13th centuries. Tantra is largely concerned with the mantras, meditation, yoga, and rituals dedicated to the worship of the feminine principle of divine energy called, “Shakti.” We have previously shown that the Vedic gods were largely male personifications of nature and human virtues. We have also seen in that the objects of worship of the feminine goes back earlier than the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization into prehistoric times by Vedic and non-Vedic cultures. Some historians postulate that there were parallel currents of religious veneration of the male and female representations in different regions of India. Indeed, many apparent “Goddess” figurines have been located at the Harappan site causing some historians to believe that a pre-Vedic Mother Goddess cult may have existed in Neolithic India. In any case, the Vedas do mention Aditi, the mother of the Gods, and goddess of the sky and earth, quite remarkable and unique for an ancient culture. full text at http Researched and Presented by Darryl W Thomas for Desteni Desteniproductions bernardpoolman for

An observation of how Christian beliefs who were taken from Egyptian & later Roman transformed sacred sex & the worship of divine children organs of creation into pedophilia, algolagnia & deluded immorality.

36 Responses to 13 “Sacred Sex” and Tantra in the Secret History of the LOA

  • ballin1822 says:

    Well I know dat but I was wondering if you knew of a good one???

  • DarrylWThomas says:

    Well, you could google “Law of Attraction DVD.”

  • ballin1822 says:

    I know a little bit about the Law of Attraction- But as far as the sexual side of it. I want 2 learn more about the Law of Attraction. Is there any dvd that you know of????

  • LindaDillinger says:

    Great series Darryl

  • AndreaRossouw1 says:

    Thanks darryl!
    Darryl is showing in his research on the Law of Attraction – that is has always existed in one form or another in all religions and spiritual practices – where beings create a belief that allows them to focus energies and intention solely on themselves and enhancing their lives, no matter what the costs to the rest of the planet/humanity/nature.

  • DarrylWThomas says:

    @ballin1822… What do you mean?

  • ballin1822 says:

    So how do you get to this point???

  • dracentsparkle says:

    Greating sharing love*

  • resolveitall says:


  • JoeKouFullCircle says:

    awesome series darryl- should be put on dvd

  • clk211bu says:

    Excellent Darryl, thankyou!

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Yup, and it was good…His name was Atun. I like to call it Penis-Christ, the giver of sacred orgasm that can resurrect at the command of our brains creating another human being.

    All religions were the result of Ingestion of Hallucinogens & the wonders of orgasm that HAD to be explained by ancient brains. One can take religion out of sex but NEVER sex out of religion.

    Thanks for he input.

  • elbinar says:

    haaa a god masturbated

  • EdM021 says:

    One of the worst things the Christians ever did was that they smashed all the penises off of all the statues of the gods. I’ll bet it was because they all had erect penises, just like that giant severed penis on top of the pedestal! And I noticed the naked man on the side of the pedestal had his penis knocked off by Christians as well!

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Remember you were born LACKING BELIEF iow atheist. A malfunctioning BRAIN is the problem. God,Demons & DELUSIONS are created in sick brains

    Belief in god is a psychosis. There is no devil, no god, no soul, no Santa. if you believe in god,devils or possessing aliens you suffer from a schizophrenia type disorder
    Please see a neurologist to fix your brain.We are in the 21st Century not the 12th
    Since you have NOTHING intelligent to say due to your Christophrenia
    Bye get well soon

  • pjadams1977 says:

    No the devil is the root of the problems

  • wasssuppp08 says:

    I just wonder who will be the bogeyman when pedophilia becomes legal again. Me I’m a prostitute but when I have sex with strangers I make sure I never enjoy it. It’s just the money. So I am ok then.Afraid you lost me at 5.49.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    My video is uninteresting to ignorant people specially those infected with religious psychosis.
    For dirty talk look in the mirror & talk to yourself. With a no doubt christophrenia infected brain you have I’m certain ther reflection in the mirror will respond.
    I suggest Auto fellatio while listening to your own voice giving dirty talk.

    Since you have nothing intelligent to say, Bye, get well soon

  • BrittaniePrices says:

    uhinterresting Btw anyone up for some dity talk

  • kleenex3000 says:

    Thank you for the historical summary!
    The truth is inconvenient because it appears INDECENT.
    I hope that a lot of my German friends will watch and listen!

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Thanks. You have the whole world ahead of you, specially having a healthy brain at 27 & the whole internet information in front of you. I did it the hard way traveling, visiting museum, reading, science, history & all kinds of books & connecting dots. I’m LXVIII

    My advise, NEVER believe anything you are told unless you CHECK it out from VARIOUS sources & most important of all. The BRAIN is the creator of THOUGHT & analyzer of information. Keep it healthy.

    All the best

  • optics05 says:

    Your videos are very well done my friend! I enjoy them. 10yrs ago I stopped going to church because I became aware that everything around me was very wrong and a much needed review of MY WORLD needed a complete FLUSH. Since then I have been doing nothing but educating myself the correct way and being my own teacher. Good Work! I am 27 yrs old.

  • MastaShortie says:

    actually it was christians who changed christinaity to what it is today, jesus’s real teachings dont exist, christians made them up that is why all christians are pagans that love sex

  • calpurnpiso says:


    obviously you did NOT SEE MY VIDEO. 0:45

    I suggest you get educated & please SEE a neurologist you are DELUDED. Resurrected Zombies, prophets, angels demons etc are CREATIONS OF MALFUNCTIONING BRAIN

    There is NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE, of a jesus resurrecting prophets & rest of MYTHOLOGICAL mumbo Jumbo created by the INGESTION of psychoactive plants ZERO 6:58

    Christianity is a Delusions inducing NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERThis is the 21st C not 12. 6:28

    Bye see a neurologist 8:38

  • guillermo2006x says:

    The true Christianity is based in the teachings of Jesus and the prophets. Could you tell us which teaching of Jesus leads to pedophilia? Jesus teachings are good guidelines for the society. You seems to be so biased or antichristian who doesnt see any values in it, if so how we would construct the moral values in our society?

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