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the ‘turgid, verbose and shapeless’ Koran [to quote Churchill]. Recitation is an apt word to describe Muslim ritual. Recite, obey, shut up. Rather clear and not very nuanced.


Islamic expert Robert Spencer wrote a great piece at about the radical, immoderate nature of Islam premised on the radical, immoderate Koran. The two can’t be divorced. You can’t go around in your multicultural piety and declaim that Islam is peace and wonderment. This is sheer ignorance. All around us across the entire globe, on a weekly basis, people are murdered, wars are prosecuted, women are stoned to death, and acts of terror are legion. Non-Muslims, apostates, or those Muslims who are insufficiently Islamic, are butchered because the Koran adjures the slaying of infidels and any who have angered the Islamic moon cult. The life and example of Islam’s founder acts gives even more impetus to the Muslim obsession to kill, rule, slave trade and plunder.  


The cultural Marxist vapidity is reflected by the Great Black Jesus himself – a onetime Muslim – who assures us peasants that Islam is all good and glory: 


“Barack Obama has removed all mention of Islam from the National Security Strategy document, which during the Bush Administration said: “The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century.” Obama apparently agrees with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said Monday: “Islam and terrorism cannot be mentioned together, because they are contradictory to each other.”


Erdogan, incidentally, also famously said this about “moderate Islam”: “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an

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