A compilation of me and a few others knocking raids off Thunderbluff filmed on Frostmane Server (US) Songs: Thunderstruck by AC-DC and Ride of the Valkyrie
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A compilation of me and a few others knocking raids off Thunderbluff filmed on Frostmane Server (US) Songs: Thunderstruck by AC-DC and Ride of the Valkyrie
Video Rating: 4 / 5
They got thunderfucked
you´ve been…… THUNDERFUCKED!
…Do they know there’s more than one pair of lifts? lol
5 stars for ACDC
@Skillyilo Engineers can attach one to their cloak
@sixpou Fraps
Lol i bet your honor was insane after that
what did you use to record this? pretty good quality
whats the parachute thing?
this vid is the reason for my elemental shammy alt, which i love
@zeruel31 thunderstorm
This video is fucking awesome I must say. Gotta love seeing so many Alliance just go surfing through the air. Makes me happy being a Tauren. =)
Awesome vid man!
OK this was cool n all, but u had 2 shamans why not have 1 shaman on each lift? wud of been a total wipe out
omg this guys are so smart XD
Simply Amazing video.
Lol owned like 10 at the beginning
lmao thats awesome
I will make my own version on Ragnaros (US) =D
Did you get City Defender in like, .2 seconds? lol great vid
This Video Rocks
Ur name Bojax? i saw video when they got owned :O
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
I’m sure every one of those alliance went straight to the forums to ask blizzard to nerf thunderstorm.