whatever that means. And they’ve never realized that the word ‘resurrection’ simply didn’t mean that”. So what does resurrection mean?
Today, we generally think of eternal life as a spiritual or non-material kind of existence: along with the common notion that spirits are immaterial beings. Thus, when the body decays, what’s left is spirit. But resurrection is not related to the question of whether we have intrinsically immortal spirits. Resurrection says that when the body decays, God can remake it into something better. We have some form of glorified body, but a liberated one, with the rest of creation, from decay.
It’s more than difficult today to see that God killed Jesus (a factual event) because of a mythological sin about a Garden of Eden allegory thousands of years ago. Christianity and science can come together (and are) to present a more valid and intellectual story of the God that Jesus pointed us to and the Kingdom that is to be lived through unconditional love.
Now, THAT’S the Easter story I want to hear!
As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.
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