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Daily Archives: July 22, 2010

Traditional Witchcraft: How Was It Practiced During the Last Millenium?

Traditional Wicca and Traditional Witchcraft are frequently confused with one another. Wicca is a neo-pagan nature based religious movement that came into being during the mid 1900s.… Continue reading

Darkness Visible: Personal Myths

Tibetan Bon shamans believe that we are already one year old when we are born. Our first year of life is spent in our conception and gestation in the womb, a time when we are conscious,… Continue reading

First, THERE A FEW ERRORS IN REGARDS TO THE VIDEO AND THE THEORY OF PAGANISM IN RELIGIONS SUCH AS ISLAM: 1. Prophet Mohammed was not born on Dec. 25 nor any of the pagan traditions associated with him. 2. Krishna… Continue reading

Nearly half the US population turns to complementary, alternative and integrative practices to maintain or improve their health. Dr. Michael Rabow explores the role of spirituality in health. Series: “UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public” [11/2007] [Health and Medicine]… Continue reading

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