by Kevin H.
Question by HASSON: i dreamed of a Grey wolf that fought a black panther it came to my defense what does this mean?
i had this dream awhile ago about a silvery grey wolf that was… Continue reading
by lyng883
The Pentagram – Dogma
HEREUNTO we have exposed the magical dogma in its more arid and abstruse
phases; now the enchantments begin; now we can proclaim wonders and reveal
most secret things. The Pentagram signifies the domination of… Continue reading
by dragonoak
The Pros And Cons Of Witchcraft Covens
The upside of joining a Coven is that it can give you some discipline when practicing your craft. For example, you will be celebrating every Sabbat, and making sure to do… Continue reading
by micbaun
Question by class.one81: Is sex sacred to you?
Best answer:
Answer by Alexis
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