The Shadow Shades
The Shadow Shades” is a thriller/mystery suspense story about a 24 year-old man named Mark Lyons from Wichita, Kansas. Lyons is a recently unemployed, middle class guy with a jealous streak and is somewhat spoiled… Continue reading
Question by alvoz04: What is Virtual Tarot?
Best answer:
Answer by WebWeaver
My guess would be doing Tarot via a non-physical medium such as a phone call, IM, computer program. A virtual assistant is one that works for someone… Continue reading
by Chorazin
Question by Ariadne: What kind of music do you use at Beltane?
I am a solitary who has found herself a wonderful pagan man. We are celebrating beltane together (wooo-hooo!) and I need some advise. What kind… Continue reading
by JohnBurke
Travel to Germany
visit the enchanted lands of Germany the third-largest economy in the world. Experience any of Germany’s countless adventures available! Germany is a beautiful country teeming with a rich history and an even richer culture.
What… Continue reading