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How to Survive 2012/preparing for a new world and Instructions from Mother Earth on How to live in balance with Her as Passed down in Oral history According to Hopi who live near the four corners usa, they are waiting for the return of Pahana who will have a unifying universal message of Peace. further, if Pahana returns from the east, there will be a great peaceful collective awakening during the cleansing, if Pahana returns from the west, there will be catastrophic cleansing before the great awakening lastly, the hopi elders say we still have a choice to decide how the cleansing will occur Music by Kannal kan’nal Holy ground new paradigm 2012 shamanism shift cleansing 2012 mother earth climatic disasterpole shift end time new world new earth hopi prophecy 2012 December Dec 21st 2012 Apocalypse end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american calentamiento end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evoloution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A pictorial history of the American Native tribes culture.

31 Responses to 2012 Message from Mother earth (1) 2012

  • LarasehChola3 says:

    mystical voices and sacred messages,thanks

  • zvkkvz says:

    are all planets nice and kind like we try to be………or are they trouble from another space completly………its hard to be nice in a time of war……….think free,be free.

  • RayLopezable says:

    I couldn’t agree more that we need to love mother earth but 2012 won’t happen

  • tiktam51 says:

    Hi Thanks for the add!
    Nice lovely beautiful channel
    AweSoME videos.

  • garysingh101 says:

    Great video again

  • Slim42ndstreet says:

    I like this video

  • Slim42ndstreet says:

    12212012 will be a major event
    I also have a message from mother earth aka diamond girl

  • sxs1994 says:

    peace out peepl

  • Figm0 says:


  • PaRaMoRe15able says:

    i loved it!!!! whats the song’s title?

  • howardb42006 says:

    great rules to live by….thanks

  • MrWWEPPVResults26 says:

    it aint gonna happen

  • Dar1066 says:

    Lovely vid, I think this speaks to a lot of people because it isn’t ‘in your face’, plus the don’t try to inflict their beliefs on others. I hope you’re right.

  • singingcowboy674 says:

    This is very beautiful, but, one fundamental correction. We need to change our referring of her to our Sister Earth. For we have the same Creator and just as a male sibling looks after a more fragile one, so do we need to look after her. We must gravitate away from considering her above us for to do that is to begin to worship the creation over the Creator. Worshiping the creation is what the elitists do, which, is pagan/Luciferian.

  • deanmullen10 says:

    wow i think a lot of people must begin to believe 2012 now because it got lots of thumbs up, belief is now here.

  • iamearthbornami says:

    thankyou dear brother of love

  • worldinsideaworld says:

    very nice images…

  • CosmicFork says:

    A person can come to understand that the planet earth has a kind of intelligence… a meta-consciousness that overlays the earth. When you understand this, it awakens wonderful emotions deep in you, because this intelligence can open a channel of communication with an individual human being. Mother Gaia is some kind of conscious, feminine, meta-mind. She is planetary in scale. She is REAL. She is very, very, old… and She speaks of interconnectivity. And you can communicate with her.

  • hundeficker87 says:

    this is so true……mother earth is with us at all times. A ho to all of US,

  • willstaruss22 says:

    think about it as a new year the center of the milky way is a black hole. we go around it once every ?????? years. just like we go around the sun once every year. 2012 is going to be a new and great year no wait a new age of great things to come.

  • sedgie09 says:

    your not the only one mate, I am that intone with nature its unreal.

  • triggawolf0000 says:

    I have seen a lot of videos and this one touched me so much, my faith in the lord has dwindled over the years, i needed this than-you

  • thefirstbillyjack says:

    A perfect video to watch after completing my Vision Quest.

  • gifteconomy12 says:

    Live in/ for/ from GIFT ECONOMY – FREE FOOD, FREE LAND, FREE WATER, FREE WORD, FREE SPACE… are your real BIRTHRIGHTS, my children.
    You are all SOVEREIGN PERSONS !
    Let MOTHERS’ ETHICS be your law – loving mothers’ ethics will not condemn you, improsen you… but PROTECT AND SERVE you, my children!

  • JULIAP713 says:

    I had a dream last night that 2012 will be the end. I usually have prophetic dreams. iT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE ALIGHNMENT OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM TO THE MIDDLE OF THE MILKY WAy.

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