Get Adobe Flash player 18th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh who tried to turn the empire into a fascist monotheistic society with him as the sole dictator. He was one of the Hyksos tribe and was later dethroned. This fellow is the real Moses from the Bible. Moses is just a title, not a name. All male dominated religions spawn from his time. elysha, spiritual teacher, self realized teacher, awakening, enlightenment teacher, spirituality, enlightened teacher, nirvana, authentic enlightenment teachers, self realization, meditation, consciousness, reality, freedom, being, satsang, amness, self, oneness, love, happiness, lovebliss, heaven, truth, reincarnation, liberation, karma, zen, unconditional love, light, non-thinking, present moment, awareness, life, heart, mystic, advaita, non duality, lightmind, rebirth, existentialism, taoism, darshan, now, contentment, buddha, buddhism, ramana maharshi, tolle, nisargadata maharaj, adyashanti, dharma, beauty, harmony, immensity, everything, wonder, it, isness, clarity, bliss, nowhere, exquisiteness, infinity, forever, religiousness, ecstasy, siddhi, trueness, absoluteness, yoga, fulfilment, richness, wholeness, emptiness, nothing, sage, self help, motivation, who you are, who am i, illusion, spiritual meditation, self healing, new age, spiritual guidance, journey of self discovery, surrender, energetic, concepts, flow of energy, motion of seeing, central point, spiritual consciousness, spiritual information, new age spirituality

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18 Responses to 2012 truth.AKHENATON FREE! book today.NWO.Illuminati

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 go and fuck a leprechaun, you sad little cunt

  • drmu2012 says:

    Hey nice one mate, i think the same as you.Have a look again at the comments against my video again written by some cretin retard, its fucking hilarious.Peace friend

  • drmu2012 says:

    stop polluting the internet with your insecurities, go have an anger wank and then a sympathy wank and you will feel better about the world.Oh and get out of your house and go make some friends instead of making enemies.xx

  • SLUMDOOLA says:

    I will show you true immortality.
    Humans die here in 3D.
    Man continues into the 4th step.
    I can show you in person.

  • Agarti555 says:

    Akhenaton was a decrepit and degenerated guy who impossed a tirany in Egipt and forbad all the ancient cults. He and his “friends” imposed the cult of Aton the sun.
    This is said to be the secret of Masonery and so on.
    I think Akhenaton is a degenerated and a vicious man

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 Fuck off and die, eejit Micko. Fuck your pisshead shillelagh country

  • drmu2012 says:

    ok ok little man calm yourself.Tell me where you are from so i can understand why you are so scared of everything and every type of stranger.Dont worry about things so much, jesus loves you.

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 Like I said, go put a gun in your mouth & pull the trigger, MICKO cunt. No-one gives one SHIT about you or your fucked-up country of thieves, fatgut bigots and terrorist scum.

  • drmu2012 says:

    obviously you hate so much about yourself , i on the other hand happen to really like who i am, you need to take control of your life and dont let people bully you, im sure schoolwas a bad place for you and you are traumatised by what the bullies did to you but leave it in the past and try to find something about yourself that you like.xx

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 Piss off, Mick. You’re utterly fucking clueless, you dozy cunt. Akhnaten threw out the loony religions of darkness and sacrifice, and introduced rationality and wisdom in place of superstition and human sacrifice. But what the fuck would a thick Mick know or care about that? Go back to kneecapping people on the Falls Road, you nasty little cunt.

  • drmu2012 says:

    you are a very angry and bitter little man-mammal, dont worry its not your time, you will never work the world out, you are too un-evolved to evolve.You will have many other chances to improve your life so dont worry and stop fretting, you will be ok.Dont be scared, try to like yourself and others will start to like you.xx

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 You’re a gutless Mick, you fucktard wanker

  • drmu2012 says:

    go take you face for a shit-ballroot

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 You’ve put “United Kingdom” in your profile, cunt. And if you’re N Irish, then it IS your cunt country that invaded Iraq, fucktard. Now go shove a shillelagh up your feckin’ arsehole, you shitcunt.

  • drmu2012 says:

    im irish you retard

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    @drmu2012 Fuck off and die, you moronic turd. It’s your cunt country that invaded Iraq, not mine.

  • drmu2012 says:

    scare you into waking up,did i?

  • MoscowMaestro says:

    pathetic shit. you’re a knuckledragger. and your music is fucking awful.

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