3 Popular Wiccan Magic Spells
Here are 3 popular Wiccan Magic Spells for you – both of the simple and elaborate variety. Hope you find them useful.
Wiccan Magic Spells # 1
The following is a Scottish Wiccan love spell. In Wiccan tradition the breasts are considered as a symbol of fidelity and long term commitment – marriage. That is why in this Scottish love spell, you, a woman, should place 1 ivy leaf in the cleavage of your 2 breasts and at the same time chant:
“Ivy leaf, I love you true In my bosom I hold you. The first young man who smiles at me My future husband he shall be.”
Therefore, be careful, which handsome guy smiles at you next morning!
Wiccan Magic Spells # 2
The name of the following spell is witch candle spell. You have to choose a Friday evening to perform this spell. Take a large sheet of red foil and place a candle on it. The candle has to be pink or red and shaped like a witch. At the bottom of the candle, you have to inscribe the name of your beloved whose love you desire.
Then take sufficient amount of patchouli essential oil or musk oil or rose oil and anoint the candle thoroughly. Then you have to light the candle and chant thrice:
“Witch candle Witch candle Bright with fire Summon the spirits To bring my desire.”
Every night one inch of the candle should burn down, not more than that. Let the whole candle burn down in this manner till it becomes a wax puddle. Then collect the puddle in the red foil, wrap up the remains tightly and place the bundle safely beneath your bed for 1 whole week.
Don’t ever bring it out during that 1 week. When those 7 days and 7 nights have passed, you can throw in
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