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3 Strategies for Leveraging the Opportunity Markers in Your Hands

Copyright (c) 2008 Elizabeth Davis

I’m often asked, with hands discretely hidden under the tablecloth or tucked into pockets, “Do you ever see anything bad in the hands?” My answer is always the same: “No.” Other hand analysts might disagree, but my philosophy is this: Since you can choose whatever you want to believe, how about believing that everything, and I do mean everything, is an expression of life offering you an opportunity to learn, grow and discover more about your authentic self?

Today, I’m going to focus on three types of markers in the hands and how each offer an opportunity to grow. At first glance, you may want to categorize the marker as “good” or “bad” but that creates opposition and resistance (as well as fear of the “good” or “bad” thing happening/not happening). Basically, what you see is what you CHOOSE to see.

1. Challenge Markers: Effort Leads To Breakthroughs

Let’s pull this tooth out first – and quickly. Challenge markers can slow us down, bind us up, and generally present obstacles to goals we are attempting to achieve, whether it be greater health, a new love relationship, or completing a business project.

Horizontal lines on the hand, other than the heart and head lines, present energy obstructions to forward movement. X’s, boxes, islands, and grills (these look like tic-tac-toe boxes) are other forms of energy obstruction.

This type of marker is trying to get our attention. “Look over here,” it says. If you are aware of this challenge on your life path, you can make accommodations for it. For example, let’s say you have a grill under your middle finger on your palm. Grills indicate one foot on the gas and one foot on the break.

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