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Underneath the middle finger, this indicates that you may run into contractual challenges, especially with family members. In order to remedy this, be sure to run agreements by your lawyer, discuss all the finer points and make sure both parties understand the agreement before signing it.

These types of markers stretch us in areas where we are not comfortable and hence, either avoid altogether or jump into hastily and have to clean up later. The opportunity here is to face the challenge boldly and gather up the support you need to move through it. You probably won’t become a master in this area, but nothing is impossible! Effort leads to breakthroughs.

2. Talent Markers: But Are You Using It?

The only “bad” thing about having a talent is not knowing you have it – or worse, knowing that you have it and deliberately NOT using it! (Happens ALL the time.) Talent markers imply you have a special ability. For example, a ring on the palm, encircling the base of your pointer finger, indicates X-ray vision. It’s called Solomon’s Ring after wise King Solomon. You can see the BIG picture as well as the power-plays happening behind the scenes, even if you don’t know that many details about the situation. The opportunity here, of course, is to use the X-ray vision. If you don’t, well, you might find that you are chronic “small thinker” and can’t figure out why nothing exciting seems to be happening for you. Dare to dream big.

Three or more talent markers in your hands and you are officially a “Man or Woman of Wisdom.”

3. Gift Markers

Gift markers are similar to talent markers in that they confer a special ability upon their owner. However, gift markers carry with them a penalty if you

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