3 Truth Spells For Divining The Truth About Various Situations
Truth spells are classified as negative spells because it forces another person to do as you bid, without their knowledge. Truth be told, some of the persuasion spells were created by women because they could not or did not know how to control the men in their lives.
Males dominated most cultures and their word was command to the women of the household as well as to the children. People felt powerless and they often used persuasion and influence spells instead of bringing up conflicting issues with arrogant people. It sounds like a cowardly way of doing things, but in the old days, there was no police, no divorce courts and no children’s welfare departments. Abuse was common and the fear of shaming the family kept most people silent about crimes.
It was in this environment that truth Divination and similar spells were derived. Here are some samples:
First prepare Commanding (Compelling oil)
Gather some sweet flag (calamus) and licorice. Also collect Vetiver, Oil of Bergamot. Blend the calamus and licorice to a powder and mix with Castor oil and Jojoba oil. Mix in some oil of Bergamot for more potency.
Truth Candle Spell
Gather the following:
Purple candle, Brown paper and pen,.
On a day when the moon is in its waxing phase, write down the person’s name nine times on the paper. Cross over the nine names with your own name, in a crisscross manner. Place the paper on a table and stand the lighted candle on it. When you light the candle, chant:
I command you, I compel you!
I command you, I complet you!
(person) Tell me the truth!
Burn the candle for seven days an inch or so at a
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