ya thats intersting because the 3d representation of a 4d sphere, i saw them in my first lsd trip. without even knowing what they were….now come to think of it i think i might of actually say them in 4d but me remembering it in my 3d existence…i cant comprehend all them in the wierd way i saw them.
-nothing more than a natural formation. I find his ideas very fascinating and I loved finding out about them, but as I said I haven’t yet read his books although I intend to do so. I was just wondering where you stand on Graham’s alternate view of human history?
10thdim, have you seen the documentary about Graham Hancock, I think it was a Horizon documentary. Well I’ve seen the docs showing his arguments etc, and plan to read his books, but this Horizon documentary really went to great lengths to show that his claims for a significant event in 10,500BC, showing that the “Drago” he sees in the layout of the temples of angkor wat is made by selecting certain temples among many and that the underwater city he claims to have found is not in fact a city but-
I have worked with Salvia Divonorum, LSD, dissociatives, and a few others. I also enter trance states with the aid of brainwave entrainment tracks and occasionally drums. I don’t really talk about what I have ‘seen’ because there is no language that do these experiences justice. Btw, I like your song.
ok its all sound to suggest gravity waves slipping between branes via extra dimensions but ludicrous to suggest molecules doing something similar. i think its time the so called realist were given a reality check.
I have had my share of mystical expierinces with hallucinogens and so far i have to say that the most intense and most mind opening of the four i have done is 2C-I and i am not joking when i say i have visited other “worlds”, only for a short time though, but i feel the more and more I experiment the more I come closer to these “worlds”
For anybody interested in experiencing what seems like the deeper working of your own mind…
– Take a prolonged hallucinogen (LSD, LSA, Shrooms etc..) & when fully in the ‘trip’ stare into your eyes in the mirror with candle light lighting your face,& try activating your ‘minds eye’ (similar to the sense of crossing your eyes, but from within, so your eyes dont cross – those who have experienced this will know what Im talking about) & ‘climb’ into yourself! If it works for you, let me know
…the conscious state I’m currently experiencing, and after a lot of experience you can clearly make sense of the conclusion that what you’re observing when in some of these states is the deeper workings and waves of energy holding ‘reality’ together like an ocean of existence.
This is the logical conclusion I’ve come to also over the space of about 8 years. I’m not a ‘druggie’, I smoke a bit of marijuana and that’s it, but as I’ve always been interested in consciousness and mind states etc.. I’ve taken LSA, LSD, Shrooms, DMT, Salvia Divinorum, Blue Lotus, and other natural extracts, and still continue to do so from time to time (I only take natural herbs/extracts etc.. I don’t do processed chemicals!), but for the purpose of trying to manipulate….
shamanism is all about direct experience. you can’t prove that anything you experienced happened if nobody else was there experiencing it with you. why not try inducing a mystical experience yourself instead of wait for someone to prove to you that they are real?
We can never Necessarily prove that we have see another dimension or have Experienced it what so ever.But you may be able to sculpt a idea of what it may be like,because It can be either a mental disorientation Or you Actually are able to Experience and perceive another Dimension other then the 3rd.Plus we must have a basis in which to work on..
From my Novice experience on dimensions I’d say we have no Actual Proof on how another dimension could be seen from our 3 dimension point of view.
the ‘dream healer Adam’ impressed me the mix of shaman + quantum physics takes a leap~ he visualizes energy field, as well as enters human body with conscious intend of a meditative mind, what a bless!
Could it be that before we were born we may have lived in another dimension and when we die our spirit energy can either move into another dimension or remain in this one? Could it be when we dream we may be traveling into another dimension?
Another one I recommend is Breaking Open the Head by Daniel Pinchbeck..he’s very articulate on his experiences and visions…then there is also Terence McKenna who’s lectures and books are gold…
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ya thats intersting because the 3d representation of a 4d sphere, i saw them in my first lsd trip. without even knowing what they were….now come to think of it i think i might of actually say them in 4d but me remembering it in my 3d existence…i cant comprehend all them in the wierd way i saw them.
-nothing more than a natural formation. I find his ideas very fascinating and I loved finding out about them, but as I said I haven’t yet read his books although I intend to do so. I was just wondering where you stand on Graham’s alternate view of human history?
10thdim, have you seen the documentary about Graham Hancock, I think it was a Horizon documentary. Well I’ve seen the docs showing his arguments etc, and plan to read his books, but this Horizon documentary really went to great lengths to show that his claims for a significant event in 10,500BC, showing that the “Drago” he sees in the layout of the temples of angkor wat is made by selecting certain temples among many and that the underwater city he claims to have found is not in fact a city but-
I have worked with Salvia Divonorum, LSD, dissociatives, and a few others. I also enter trance states with the aid of brainwave entrainment tracks and occasionally drums. I don’t really talk about what I have ‘seen’ because there is no language that do these experiences justice. Btw, I like your song.
ok its all sound to suggest gravity waves slipping between branes via extra dimensions but ludicrous to suggest molecules doing something similar. i think its time the so called realist were given a reality check.
as long as there are psychedelics present, man will have access the secrets of the universe
I have had my share of mystical expierinces with hallucinogens and so far i have to say that the most intense and most mind opening of the four i have done is 2C-I and i am not joking when i say i have visited other “worlds”, only for a short time though, but i feel the more and more I experiment the more I come closer to these “worlds”
For anybody interested in experiencing what seems like the deeper working of your own mind…
– Take a prolonged hallucinogen (LSD, LSA, Shrooms etc..) & when fully in the ‘trip’ stare into your eyes in the mirror with candle light lighting your face,& try activating your ‘minds eye’ (similar to the sense of crossing your eyes, but from within, so your eyes dont cross – those who have experienced this will know what Im talking about) & ‘climb’ into yourself! If it works for you, let me know
…the conscious state I’m currently experiencing, and after a lot of experience you can clearly make sense of the conclusion that what you’re observing when in some of these states is the deeper workings and waves of energy holding ‘reality’ together like an ocean of existence.
This is the logical conclusion I’ve come to also over the space of about 8 years. I’m not a ‘druggie’, I smoke a bit of marijuana and that’s it, but as I’ve always been interested in consciousness and mind states etc.. I’ve taken LSA, LSD, Shrooms, DMT, Salvia Divinorum, Blue Lotus, and other natural extracts, and still continue to do so from time to time (I only take natural herbs/extracts etc.. I don’t do processed chemicals!), but for the purpose of trying to manipulate….
LSD changed me for the better. Have you taken LSD? If not, please dont put it down.
i believe it is possible. and i agree people who just reject outright need more consideration.
thats totally LOL, drugs make u never see other demensions, whatever nerd
great song hahahaha
Think twice about LSD, though… You might never be the same again. Probably you won’t.
i try to?
shamanism is all about direct experience. you can’t prove that anything you experienced happened if nobody else was there experiencing it with you. why not try inducing a mystical experience yourself instead of wait for someone to prove to you that they are real?
We can never Necessarily prove that we have see another dimension or have Experienced it what so ever.But you may be able to sculpt a idea of what it may be like,because It can be either a mental disorientation Or you Actually are able to Experience and perceive another Dimension other then the 3rd.Plus we must have a basis in which to work on..
From my Novice experience on dimensions I’d say we have no Actual Proof on how another dimension could be seen from our 3 dimension point of view.
Interesting stuff, thanks for making this video Rob.
the ‘dream healer Adam’ impressed me the mix of shaman + quantum physics takes a leap~ he visualizes energy field, as well as enters human body with conscious intend of a meditative mind, what a bless!
Perhaps some are born with a greater abilty to discern clearly between a true altered state and simple drug induced hallucination.
awesome stuff here man! ill be sure to check out more of those videos! cool song! Masters of the abstraaact!
the only thing that’s real for me, is what i feeel for yoooou!
Altered state on consciousness surely could when we dream.
Could it be that before we were born we may have lived in another dimension and when we die our spirit energy can either move into another dimension or remain in this one? Could it be when we dream we may be traveling into another dimension?
Another one I recommend is Breaking Open the Head by Daniel Pinchbeck..he’s very articulate on his experiences and visions…then there is also Terence McKenna who’s lectures and books are gold…