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4 Secrets of Metaphysics – The Eleatics We saw in our previous segment how the Milesian school hit upon the idea that the purpose of the philosopher was to ascertain in rational terms the singular principle of what made up the universe. Thales claimed Water, Anaximander said Fire and Anaximenes; aer. For Heraclitus and Pythagoras, the first principle was Metaphysical; the universal mind as the Logos and number, respectively. They were also concerned with patterns and cycles of change and motion. Using their senses, reason and logic, they came to different conclusions which by today’s standards of knowledge seem fanciful and wrong, but at the same time, established important scientific and mathematical principles that are still being used today. After the rise of the Milesians, Pythagoras and Heraclitus, a second wave of materialists, mathematicians and pre-socratic philosophers appeared on the scene in Greece, this time formed in the small Greek settlement of the Italian town of Elea by Xenophanes sometime in 536 BCE. The metaphysical logic of the Eleatic School sharply opposed Milesian science on many fronts and would continue to influence various philosophical systems from Socrates to postmodernism. “Men create the gods in their own image.” Xenophanes (c. 570-480 BCE) Like the Milesians, Xenophanes was also interested in finding a metaphysical model that would explain the world in sensible terms while dismissing the mythology of the human-like and immoral Olympian gods
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Giant and Metaphysics at the Bar along comes Rosco from LA some shot outs from people from Chicago

32 Responses to 4 Secrets of Metaphysics – The Eleatics

  • MrEvolution133 says:

    haha 5:51 look at him checking out the chicks ! bloody bitches u aint givin me any attention ! haha

  • d15craxx says:

    If i could do the same thing, i would have been talking too

  • OTTBlindfish says:

    dude these guys werent born that strong.if u want u can do this just workout

  • DamnSure18 says:

    @chanheurng their accent is southern no ghetto
    obviously you like the video enough to complain about it 🙂

    have a nice day

  • Morphinos says:

    strong fella’s, good work out

  • chanheurng says:

    If they didn’t talk all that ghetto bullshit this video would be much better.

  • pspnuts says:

    @santhorhongwei and what did you do so that your are now able to do pull ups and things I can hold my self on the and do half a pull up and also I can do full chest to floor push up I need help I am not fat or skinny I think I only need to lose like 10 lbs

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