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Jan. 13th 2010 The Radio Show: Playlist: All The Q&As: www.multiupload.comQ&As: 1. The Venus Project On Well-Known Scientists 2. The Venus Project Says Don’t Wait On Authority 3. The Venus Project Says People Can Be Stuck With Old Values 4. The Venus Project Doesn’t Advocate Metaphysics 5. The Venus Project On The 100th Monkey Theory 6. The Venus Project On Interaction And Honor 7. The Venus Project On Crimes That Are Non-Monetary 8. The Venus Project Talks About Ego And Honesty 9. The Venus Project On Random Behavior Being Metaphysical 10. The Venus Project Says There’s No Romanticism For Contributors 11. The Venus Project On The Word Purpose 12. The Venus Project On The Word Harmony 13. The Venus Project Says Language Is Outdated 14. The Venus Project On The Equilibrium 15. The Venus Project On The Word Love 16. The Venus Project Says That People Are Not Corrupt In Themselves 17. The Venus Project On The Carrying Capacity Of The Earth 18. The Venus Project On Scarcity And Manipulation 19. The Venus Project On Wars 20. The Venus Project On Animal Conditioning 21. The Venus Project Talks About Your Real Identity 22. The Venus Project Says The Internet Is The Greatest Liberator 23. The Venus Project On Dealing With The Military And Police 24. The Venus Project Elaborates On The Central Database Computer 25. The Venus Project On Thermal Depolymerization 26. The Venus Project Says The Test City Will Help The Transition 27. The Venus
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Excerpt from Terence McKenna’s lecture Appreciating The Imagination
Video Rating: 5 / 5

8 Responses to 4. The Venus Project Doesn’t Advocate Metaphysics

  • dfoxmaster says:

    could not agree more

  • polkaspotsss says:

    After taking Philosophy in college, I agree. Metaphysics is fiction. It’s nonsense.

  • TheJamezMan says:

    I agree about Conspiracy theories. However, there are some things that just logically do not make sense. It is true that there can be proven things involving propagandist measures to simply mislead the public. We know for example that the 911 commission report has things that are simply illogical (That the supposed hijacker flying the plane passport was found on the ground, and somehow slipped off him while the plane was exploding and the towers fell). All events ever–are conspired to note.

  • Freshtymer says:

    @zetetic0void I agree with you Z. It just goes to show that even the most brilliant among us can miss a few pieces of the puzzle. There’s no doubt that there are real conspiracies. I think people become skeptical of conspiracies because some of the information is so disconcerting. It’s a little overwhelming. I agree with McKenna that if we focus our energy on how much control one group or another has over us, we become disempowered.

  • zetetic0void says:

    I like talks of McKenna’s but I don’t fully agree here. He mentions communism of the USSR – but the Bolsheviks got secret funding support from western sources (like Hitler later got funding from sources on Wall Street and England). Was the Federal Reserve created by Big Bankers just to “help” (as the “history” say) or was it to gain control of the US with a non-government controlled agency? Asking this may get you labelled as a “conspiracy nut” by people who never even looked into the matter.

  • natmanprime says:

    this one’s brilliant:
    “War crimes! You thought you were on a golden crusade, suddenly you’re in a room with 12 guys in powdered wigs who think you’re a jerk”

    for shizzle

    Terence McKenna
    even in death you make life better!

  • 2JOHNNYT says:

    Truth with intelligence and wit ,, cant be Terry

  • Pita says:

    “The Venus Project doesn’t advocate Metaphysics”
    And with good reasons:
    sugar pill or placebo has been shown to have similar effects as most metaphysical healing practices. This shows that it is up to the “believer” or patient, whereas metaphysical healing like Chakras are only a form of placebo that some (few) people believe works for them.
    The unexplained has, historically, been proven to merely be mankind’s inability to explain phenomena. We no longer fear lightning as a god’s wrath or anger. There is no reason why we should, because we now understand what lightning is. The same is no different to anything else unexplained.

    Regarding the 9/11 stuff, VP and ZM do not have an official statement regarding 9/11 or any conspiracy material regarding it. Do not mistake VP/ZM for conspiracy theorists. It’s easy to connect the dots that someone breadcrumbs for you. It is not easy to actually do your own research – which most people have not done. Most of the 9/11 conspiracy material is not proof, but questions left unanswered or not answered to full satisfaction.

    Connecting the dots with the federal reserve being a tyrannical entity that was originally intended to control the USA is also a little bit of a stretch. Again, just because you connect the dots where they ‘could’ connect has no bearing on how they ‘do’ connect.

    It’s a known fact that most 9/11 truthers and anti-federal reserve groups are filled with debt-ridden individuals who find it easier to try and punch holes in their selected opponent than to understand that every problem they have starts at home with their own debt-ridden and over-consumerist lifestyles – which few are even willing to adjust, and almost none are willing to see is self-inflected. (noone ever makes you use a credit card. Everywhere accepts Cash Up Front. It is not the banker’s fault if you find it difficult to live above your means, or that you dislike repaying those consequential debts.)

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