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University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breese http Wisdom Of the Heart Church 501(c)3 Starlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletter http Christine Breese http These talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate DD and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects. Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit: Christine Breese “The dark night of the soul, darkness spiritual depression, is time to surrender to grace, stop the search, time of disillusionment with lost God, no control. On cusp of spiritual grace enlightenment! When dark night of the soul is here, the darkness of spiritual
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to 5 Dark Night Of Soul Darkness Spiritual Depression Surrender

  • cspace1234nz says:

    Be great if the “dark night” was literally only one night and only ever one time.
    This current dark night has arrived after the most joyous awakening and realization I have ever experienced, several weeks of relative bliss only to be plunged down into this very dark night where it seems I am being absolutely destroyed from the inside out.
    One day you’re a peacock, next day you’re a feather duster !

  • firedragonguardian says:

    thanks xx

  • mixedraice says:

    Thank you.

  • WelcomeToToners says:

    Thank you so much Christine, I needed to hear this. Peace 🙂

  • dolfinish says:

    There are no words to describe your videos..they are awesome and I love every word you say 🙂 Cheers from John

  • kovrcek says:

    It seems like this video has been made exactly for me and from me:D there was a really strong feeling of this several times throughout the video..

    It is obvious how the universe is strangely working in a way that you encounter precisely the things that you need to encounter.

    And about the dark nights – they are here to remind you how strong and fearless you really are – that you do not need any support, even from God himself:) that you yourself are God!:D

    Thx Christine!

  • YuukoFyeSeishirou says:

    I am going through the same right now. Big breakthoughs, pain, unknowingness and despair… the inner and the outer seem to merge in a terribly hopeless perspective! But I try to remember this is not the real me… It is only a passing state, and one learns true humility, understanding and compassion… All my former ego mascara of struggling to be “good” and “perfect” on a full-time basis has gone to s*** and I love it!! LOL 😀 A big hug and thank you so much for this video.

  • modelchic99 says:

    I am definately going through this and it is excrutiating. It has brought me to a place of not wanting to be here. I have never felt so depressed and hopeless in my life. I feel so angry and tired.

  • zetrone100 says:

    Have you ever been through The Dark Night of the Soul?? This is a VOID, an ABSOLUTELLY Horrific place. There is NOTHING… GOD….no past no future. Just an EVER PRESENT NOW that is without GOD and without any HAPPINESS. And this NOW feels as if IT WILL ALWAYS BE. THERE IS NO WAY OUT. The past looks like NOW the future is going to be exactly like NOW. YOU WILL BE WITHOUT GOD FOREVER. I do not think you know this PLACE? David

  • asonetry says:

    Thank you for the sharing of your understanding, I did however think that love is a continuum and knows no limits, we are like a radio that tunes into love for its ever unending truth is around us always! I am in the dark night of soul and until you explained it I did not understand this. I thank you once again.

  • Simon0 says:

    for me it is a sense of having worked very hard.. and suddenly a feeling that i havent actually moved anywhere. it is like all the hard work was just harder treading of water.. but i havent actually moved. if i try harder i simply tread warter harder, but do not move. thats how i feel.

  • Simon0 says:

    these videos really lift my consciousness! excellent.

  • charitow87 says:

    @brightstrider Im with you I believe in my heart that we all are One but I havent felt any real human connection in a long time. I feel the majority feel alone but they dont share it. When I treat someone with love and respect (but my innerself has a little doubt or fear) the unconditional love is not present. But I have come to the conclusion that is not because other people dont appreciate my love its because I feel that my love is not worth sharing, and that is something I need to work on.

  • GodsImmortalWarrior says:

    thank you

  • CATMANDU77 says:

    I use to sit at the feet of certain spiritual yogis and I feel that way with Christine. She has a wonderful way of expressing spiritual truths in a gentle and meaningful way that is really enchanting. The more I listen to her spiritual talks the more i become fascinated by her teachings. She appears to be a lamp in the darkness and a catalyst for spiritual awakening.
    Wonderful video!!

  • Sharan1967 says:

    i thought that your video really spoke to everything i have been going through for quite a while at least a year if not more. So many of my long term friends have gone and it has been a year of intense turmoil and stillness at the same time. Thank you for your video.

  • Joeyal123 says:

    Honey you stoped me Dead in my Tracks megagnathos i have been studying Gnostics they teach meditation as well

  • anne0203 says:

    this is great !

  • xombie999 says:

    Dark night of the soul is a christian concept.

  • rrockon123 says:

    Thanks Christine…I’ll try 🙂 love and light xxx

  • HeraclitusFire says:

    Your videos are very inspiring. I am right now sailing through the doldrums. But thanks partially to you, am not as alarmed, but hopeful. Thanks!

  • megagnathos says:

    Thats pretty negative dude. I think it depends where your sitting.

    I don’t think the human race is likely to distroy themselves, maybe reduce the numbers by 40-60%, but that may just happen on its own.

    It’s like saying the world is doomed, humanity is a worthless race, there’s no hope for our existence, and I’m going to die…. well eventually yeah we die, But all that negativity is fear, embrace and let yourself fall.

  • megagnathos says:

    I try to live there

  • karmasoldierV says:

    wow —- that struck nerve with myself

  • Pinkindian1 says:

    @bubabubaification Amen bubabubaification..but there are examples of the Dakr Night in the Psalms. I am a Christian too.

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