Xbox Gorefiend Shaman 5-Box, Gorefiend Server
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Music By Craig Kohland, Rara Avis and Shaman’s Dream – Take a vacation from your mind and travel to No Where…and Every Where. Video Produced, edited and directed by PUPPETJI
Video Rating: 5 / 5
i wanted to see last boss but thats sick though
lol GJ
wow i woant to see lava burst lol
would suck for the the reciving that burst lol
Man man man..
Was ist soo toll am Multiboxen?
Gut man kann viele Instanzen alleine machen .. aber man muss dafür 5 accs bezahlen …
Sucht euch eine Gilde und 4 Leute und macht ne Stammgruppe draus… Dann habt ihr so ziemlich das selbe ergebnis nur mit mehr Spaß
no idea but i know its swedish song
soo ehm can i get a half cookie?? xD
multi box ownage so nice lol
did anyone EVER figure out what the music at 5:18 is? song name plz…..its i don’t even like it that much…just when i fucking tried to find out what it was like 2 years ago and never could find it…..seems like STILL nobody knows wtf it is…anybody figures it out i’ll give em a cookie
= / have you heard of customizable UIs?
jeebus christ, noobs these days
no thay r nottakes 10 lighing to kill one
and less spells less things that could go wrong
I dont want to accuse of prive server but his bar does only consist of like hardly any abbilitys.. plus mobs are weak as hell =/
Ich hab auch gesagt man sollte drüber nachdenken was Mutliboxer HEUTE anrichten können
lava burst gabs bei tbc nicht
lol privat server
Lol the boss was easier then the trash.
Oh my god. Just think of what multiboxers can do today against ppl in pve gear…
5 times 10k lava burst crits? ô.o
Hehe, the sound of 5 lighting bolts going off almost simultaneously is really awesome. Sounds powerful
1 shammy is ownage i cant imagin 5 at the same time using the same spells
are u stupid dude this fun u just
hatin cause u cant do lol
noob cant lvl solo
You can also run multiple clients in Linux without too much setup.
i have keyclone i am currently tri-boxing. 3 shamans so fuuuuuuuuuuuun
because they can 2 shot u
actualy… they hit realy hard in heroic noob ass
Why he keeps running back when he hits them? just spam lightning ball…