In my educated opinion and thought.
I do not believe interfering is a way to go about it, for those whom are ready will find their way and choose to accept or not. All of life is a choice the acquired knowledge can make things difficult and can be a lonely road too, it’s not widely accepted so staying grounded is important to me. Does that make it wrong? not in my book! Jesus showed us all what we are capable of achieving but we choose to worship and not learn (to keep it short).
Is it our job if we accept this as the truth about what reality is to pass on this information? Who do we tell, should we only tell adults over 18 years old or should we interfear with what parents and schools teach the masses of children? Should such knowlage be kept secreat from certin types of people?? Is it healthy to know that you are just a cosmic dream? Can such knowlage interfear with the joy of life? Is ignorence bliss? Who will be the next to take on the job/pain of being crusified?
Wonderfuly expansive insights… thank you for being and sharing this truth! I have learned much from this series of videos and look forward to learning more! Geradus rocks… so do you!
I am glad you watched and have found inspiration in them. There is so much to be explored and Gerardus has some great articles for us all.
Take care sincerely
hello!!! I am building my self as an artist and in my paintings, I try to understand the mysteries of our existence. thanks to your videos, I have’ learned something that have cleared my thoughts and have also expired me to keep exploring the unveiling perception of life. Thanks greatly
Troy, the work you do with the Gerardus material is really important. I hope you continue to make more videos. The music choice is great> but it’s louder than I prefer, caus I can’t hear the narration very well at times but the images and the content obviously is definately pure enlightenment for the soul. AND, I love your voice. I look forward to the next uploads.
Your point about reality is understandable, but it’s not all about creation and not all in the head (subjective).
Reality is always factual, It’s just our perceptions that can vary widely.
I have been searching for anwers. Thank you this helped me become more aware. I was raised in a strict catholic family but no matter how much i went to church i never felt like my soul progressed in awareness and i had always questioned their methods. This kind of logical thinking makes much more sense to me and it makes me feel better. Thank you.
In my educated opinion and thought.
I do not believe interfering is a way to go about it, for those whom are ready will find their way and choose to accept or not. All of life is a choice the acquired knowledge can make things difficult and can be a lonely road too, it’s not widely accepted so staying grounded is important to me. Does that make it wrong? not in my book! Jesus showed us all what we are capable of achieving but we choose to worship and not learn (to keep it short).
Is it our job if we accept this as the truth about what reality is to pass on this information? Who do we tell, should we only tell adults over 18 years old or should we interfear with what parents and schools teach the masses of children? Should such knowlage be kept secreat from certin types of people?? Is it healthy to know that you are just a cosmic dream? Can such knowlage interfear with the joy of life? Is ignorence bliss? Who will be the next to take on the job/pain of being crusified?
@eerie777 I’m glad you visited and thank you for your compliments, NAMASTE to you as Well. Take care sincerely
Wonderfuly expansive insights… thank you for being and sharing this truth! I have learned much from this series of videos and look forward to learning more! Geradus rocks… so do you!
I am glad you watched and have found inspiration in them. There is so much to be explored and Gerardus has some great articles for us all.
Take care sincerely
hello!!! I am building my self as an artist and in my paintings, I try to understand the mysteries of our existence. thanks to your videos, I have’ learned something that have cleared my thoughts and have also expired me to keep exploring the unveiling perception of life. Thanks greatly
Just great thanks . soul to soul .
I appreciate your comments and will make another soon
Take care and NAMASTE to you
Troy, the work you do with the Gerardus material is really important. I hope you continue to make more videos. The music choice is great> but it’s louder than I prefer, caus I can’t hear the narration very well at times but the images and the content obviously is definately pure enlightenment for the soul. AND, I love your voice. I look forward to the next uploads.
Thank you and my appologies for not getting notice of your post I would have written much sooner.
Take care
Your point about reality is understandable, but it’s not all about creation and not all in the head (subjective).
Reality is always factual, It’s just our perceptions that can vary widely.
I have been searching for anwers. Thank you this helped me become more aware. I was raised in a strict catholic family but no matter how much i went to church i never felt like my soul progressed in awareness and i had always questioned their methods. This kind of logical thinking makes much more sense to me and it makes me feel better. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the 3 notes you sent it is very much appreciated.
Namaste Kusalaviro
Love this series readmuch. Good job…
Hell0 Readmuch…!
You re-did “What is Reality” (5)
I found that the sound and the pictures were just right. Congratulations…!
Great Work – Gerardus
Do you have a volume control?
I had to also unload and then reload for Copyright dispute that affected it just a bit.
Can’t hear it well.