comprehension. Make it easy. Get to the point fast.
4. Failure to write compelling copy. Write for the 8-10 grade level. Reward your readers with benefits for them. Clear, easy to understand copy makes your reader want to read your piece to the end. Fill your writing with what’s in it for them. They’ll come back for more and tell all their friends.
5. Failure to avoid pompous language. The shortest, most well known words are best. The more syllables in a word, the less compelling it becomes. Cut all unnecessary adjectives.
6. Failure to slash adverbs. Go through and cut words like openly, suddenly, very that tell the reader instead of show the reader. Circle all the (ly) and very words. Pull out your thesaurus and replace them with power words that show emotion or describe.
7. Failure to check the flow of information. Check your paragraphs for good harmonic flow and understanding. Meaning, make sure you don’t drop off suddenly and change the subject. Clear writing creates compelling copy. Compelling copy leads to more book sales.
Are you ready to translate your professionalism to profits? Correct the above mistakes and watch your sales soar from the minute you publish. Remember to check for spelling and grammatical errors, check all dates, times and prices, slash the passive voice, cut the selfish constructions containing “I”, shorten sentences, write compelling copy, avoid generalities, slash the adverbs and check your flow of information. Implement these seven tips to begin proofreading for profits!
Earma Brown, 12 year author and business owner
helps small business owners and writers who want to write their best book now! Earma mentors other writers and business professionals through her monthly ezine “iScribe.” Send any email to for free mini-course “Jumpstart Writing Your Book” or visit her at Book Writing Tips
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