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Once you understand that everything is spiritual and everything is emotional as well as physical then you can truly create life changes. If all problems are based on what you do inside your mind then you you can begin to understand it is a skill to feel bad or good. If you understand the process of change you will make changes faster. How to keep from feeling bad when you recall good memories.Robert is a fast-paced, mind-expanding, motivational person. He will show you how you can set and achieve goals that will enable you to live your dreams with personal and financial freedom. Learn the subconscious mind solutions for success. Robert teaches skills that facilitate faster: • Goal setting • How to live your dreams • Total financial freedom • Personal freedom • Self-esteem • Subconscious mind solutions for success • Prosperity laws of the universe • Self-help motivation • Personal growth & development • Positive thinking • Life success coaching • Stress management • Hypnotherapy • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) • Debt-free no limit lifestyle millionaire Robert offers training, courses, seminars & events for: • Weight loss • Stress Reduction • Pain Management • Sales • Business Management Skills • Marketing • Telesales • In-company training & courses Visit the website:

25 Responses to 73. Spiritual Thinking & Tapping — Faster EFT

  • Brendajlk says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, what you speak is so true.

  • MrDiamondcut says:

    I’m just seeing this video for the first time since I discovered Robert last year, but I can tell you, this is better than most of the sermons I’ve heard in the many years of biblical teachings I have been fed. It’s all good. Thanks for posting…
    Bless you sir.

  • HealingMagic says:


    This process is really FasterEFT which is EFT grown up and much stronger. Thank you. Peace Robert

  • HRCZFuujin says:

    Robert, you helped me find some parts of The Big Puzzle. This view on spirituality is really pratical and logical. And EFT is really excellent tool. Thanks man !

  • ptk51 says:


  • SNomine88 says:

    amazing i almost teared up near the end…just, amazing.

  • HealingMagic says:

    Thank you for your comment and blessings to you… Robert

  • myutube8x says:

    What a wonderful understanding of Religion, Spiritual, Jesus etc. So much information, so simple, so well rounded. Exactly the Way.
    Thank you so much Robert for posting this presentation for us.

  • HealingMagic says:

    You are very welcomed…

  • Axefiend777 says:

    This is totally awesome! Thank you so much for these videos!!

  • anamasteos says:

    I keep listening to this over and over. I brought up around very judgmental people.

  • 4416deb says:

    This really makes sense.

  • burythaliving says:

    i am seeing eye to eye with you i am 23 and was a failing student my whole life. when i had a mental breakdown a year ago i didnt look to any institution thats not my style. but that breakdown helped me find spiritualality but i cant give you all the detales its the internet

  • Frogstomp121 says:

    No but he is still one of God’s creations.

    Every single person on this earth goes back to the same home, the same God in the end, as we have always done.

  • HealingMagic says:

    Many ACIM people have asked if I have read course because they say I am teaching the course without ever reading it so maybe someday I will. I know walking in peace is what the Divine wants us to be and even if there is no Divine we will be the one who will reap the benefits. It makes good sense. Tapping is a form of laying on of hands too. Healing the afflicted, laying hands one the sick. Just a thought. Peace Robert

  • kalimartina says:

    This thinking fits in well with A Course in Miracles. I think ACiM and EFT are a match made in heaven!!

    Love and light

  • HealingMagic says:

    What top two religions have killed more people in the name of God?

  • HealingMagic says:

    “My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord & Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were & summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian & as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might…” Adolf Hitler

  • HealingMagic says:

    These are his own (Hitler’s) words not mine.

  • bobshockville says:

    I’ve never heard anyone proclaim Adolf Hitler as a ‘very famous Christian’ — good try, but get behind me Satan…

  • bobshockville says:

    Idiot, disciples of Jesus are what Christians are ‘meant’ to be…which can be different to what people who call themselves ‘Christian’ may portray.

  • ChitraNielsen says:

    Wow guys… that’s alotta fear and confusion ya got thar!
    Try tapping it away!!
    Or pray… whatever… Love is always clear. So smile.
    Your INTENTION is what shows up on “the screen” and
    reflects it in your mind and heart.
    Be.come the LOVE you already are…
    Move in the direction of your greatest joy!

    Injoy and Peace – God-dess Bless

  • denalidragonfly says:

    You, Robert, are STELLAR SPECTACULAR! This video has been in my favorites since the beginning. I just watched it again on the full length DVD, and then again on YouTube. Your AWESOME presentation of concepts reflects beliefs I have held to be true for a long time, and then way beyond them. You have a truly wonderful gift and I am so very honored to be training and working with you now. LOVE & PEACE ALWAYS. Grace

  • sautee01 says:

    Thank you Robert for the generous way you share your knowledge. You are helping so many people find peace. Bless you forever.

  • HealingMagic says:

    I do agree with you in a major way…I want stuff that works.

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