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8 Way To Get C-Levels And Gov?T Exec?S To Start Spending In This Depression

Right now corporate and government officials are keeping spending and capital investments to minimum.  Even if government projects are funded and have nothing to do with budgets, they are still being put on hold.  Why, because it’s not right to spend now.  It looks badly and ultimately the fear factor.  Although capital spending is just what the economy needs.  It creates jobs and has a direct impact on moral.


In a year or two this depression will be a memory and greater than 98% of all businesses and 99% of all government agencies will still be doing business as usual.  So between now and then they still have to produce.  And this is your opportunity.  If you find out what’s really important to their survival, you’ll know what they will spend money on.  If they are smart, they will invest now to have a leading position against competition when the depression is over.


So here is what to do to get them to open their wallets.


1. Network to key executives and decision makers to find out what’s important now for survival. Ask them, (a) what are their issues and concerns right now, (b) pepper them with other concerns you think they should have to see if they agree, and (c) ask what you and your company could possibly do to help them with it – even if it isn’t in your direct solution portfolio. You’ll get them thinking. Frame it around the idea that they wouldn’t even have to spend a dime. That will get them thinking even more. And this is what you want. They are so mired in miserly thinking that they can’t think straight.

2. Open your thinking. They may tell you things that you can’t help with, but if you open up your mind, you may see new opportunities that extend

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