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There is a metaphysics to every medium. Each medium provides a framework for determining what is real and not-real…for what is worth knowing and not-knowing…and for how we learn.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Magic & Metaphysics, Art of Magic 5 by College Girl Parts 5-2 in a series about the philosophy of magic. These videos will discuss the anthropology & philosophy of magic. This video discusses the different philosophical positions of how matter relates to thought and shows the basic division in world views or metaphysical paradigms. This shows the relationship of magical philosophy to other philosophies and religions. Art of Magic Part 1 by College Girl. What is Real Magic? Art of Magic Part 2 by College Girl. Five Elements of Magic Art of Magic Part 3 by College Girl. Magic Spells. Art of Magic Part 4 by College Girl. Types of Magic. This video was produced by Psychetruth Music By Jimmy Gelhaar © Copyright 2009 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.

49 Responses to The Metaphysics of Media

  • doyourhomeworkfool says:

    You kind of ramble on a lot but, it’s cool that you are so smart!

  • hashymotothiroiditis says:

    @Hernie: What you just said was pretty naive. Just because you know your way around corny tricks does not mean that you completely understand the universe/multiverse etc. Just a plain ignorant comment as far as I am concerned. I mean even if you asked Einstein what was going on he would not say that he completely understands everything.

  • waterclover says:

    I see a gazillion theory holes. o_O

  • CerebralTwilight says:

    If actions are supernatural, then how does one explain natural actions? How can thought over power matter? All I see are fields of influence between subject and object.

  • oliviamulgrew says:

    isnt thought natural ???? so how can it be over nature …then if the universe is also thought then what is superior ??? polarization of the universe gives us systems and levels of importance also assigning power to everything from elements to thought ,,,yet each is a result of each other ,, and yet the illusion of one resulting from the other stems from our inability to understand eternity and our always seeing a beginning and end yet there is none just continuous change …

  • KERIN20 says:

    magic is all on your mind………..

  • detroitmastermind says:

    Thank you.

  • axelandro93 says:

    I dont give a ¤%&/# whats shes talking about

  • numberonesurvivor75 says:

    I don’t care for her definitions.

  • ukbizman says:

    Gorgeous face and legs!!

  • BarendvZ1 says:

    I can see your point, but you should differentiate between “thought over matter actions and matter over thought actions. When physical desires, energy, etc. control your actions instead of YOU containing your desires, energy, etc. and making free, conscious, responsible choices it is just these natural laws you’re talking about that are in control and not those spiritual ones. From this point of view, magic has to do with spiritual freedom and all the rest is slavery: matter over mind.

  • bluemagickbo says:

    if you know so much, then tell us, what is it?

  • retepish says:

    Plese do more tubes….. I love this subject

  • scward13 says:

    im not trying to get proof or win an argument over the word majic and where it derived from. I’m just saying it means what it means to us today, it is what it is, and our definition in our dictionary’s today give a clear explanation to what that is. I’m just saying who cares about what this lady is trying to prove.

  • Blackmark52 says:

    That is exactly what she did in the first video: define everything as magic. She takes it one step further here and lumps supernatural into the natural. I contend this is all to allow herself the freedom to make any claim she wants and still be able to claim she is correct by definition.

    She’s performing a little magic herself, it’s called misdirection.

  • Blackmark52 says:

    “Obviously not,” is not proof or even an argument!

    Supernatural is an English word, but it comes from Latin and Latin got the concept from somewhere. Look at history and you see people differentiating the natural and the supernatural from the beginning: chiefs and preists. That ancient people considered more things supernatural does not mean that they didn’t differentiate them from natural. The smirk that the speaker tries to suppress makes me wonder if isn’t purposely being disingenuous.

  • scward13 says:

    don’t you think what we do in life is natural usually; majic is suppose to be supernatural (above natural) over natural (being us, what we do in the natural sence)

  • scward13 says:

    These are our definitions.
    1 a : the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces b : magic rites or incantations
    2 a : an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source b : something that seems to cast a spell : enchantment
    3 : the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand

  • scward13 says:

    semantics, semantics… What is your point? I’m not trying to be mean, but if everything has energy and energy moves to it wills, then everything would be majic and we would need a new word for what we view is majic

  • Eventsandthings says:

    that was great, I would like a clear definition of what supernatural means, as I think different people use it differently. my sense of word, I think that all things have a energetic componant that they originated from. Again, I enjoyed this vid. Thanks

  • drolcentury says:

    movement is magic,… sound moves, therefor, it too,… is magic,… there are three types of magic and there are seven ways to disperse this magic there are 13 ways to aquire and each method has a cost twice the output of the spell, sometimes even death follows,… an example is a person wishing for money if persistant enough will get it … but the cost could be that he worried so much about the money that he developed a heart issue… then failure. be wise leave spells to wizards like me.

  • drolcentury says:

    First, very thoughtful, but very wrong …. the rock is also matter, made of molecules that move .. only slower than softer molecules,.. as a matter of fact the threshold of the crumbling rock before it crumbles is

  • NabM says:

    Are you still doing videos?
    Looking forward to more on this topic

  • gbok says:

    ps cannabinoid receptors definitely have a hand in getting you high naturally.

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