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Question by Jack D: Who do you think are the most morally bankrupt, atheists, agnostics, or pagans?
Why do you think that?

I would have to say atheists are because they have no moral compass at all.

Agnostics are just weak willed, they simply can’t make up their mind.

Pagans are merely stupid or dilusional because they live in a fantasy world of magic and dragons, things they should have gotten over by the third grade.

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
these comparisons wont help We already have problems in this room…

Add your own answer in the comments!

34 Responses to Who do you think are the most morally bankrupt, atheists, agnostics, or pagans?

  • Bluto Blutarsky says:

    Christians who crap on other people’s legitimate beliefs. You want to crap on something. Crap on scientology, it isn’t even logical enough to be rightly called a cult.

  • Pablito says:

    Oh it’s you. I remember you.


    Gosh darn it, why am I always late to the party?

    Could you rephrase the question I’m lost in my delusion.

  • Mirage says:

    Actually, agnosticism is the most logical choice. You are obviously one of those people who blinds themselves with faith, so I’ll just leave you with this:

    “To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is disease”
    – Lao Tzu –

    “The fool who thinks he is wise is just a fool. The fool who knows he is a fool is wise indeed”
    – Buddha –

    “The gentleman calls attention to the good points in others; he does not call attention to their defects. The small man does just the reverse of this”
    – Confucius –

    “You do not understand even life. How can you understand death?”
    – Confucius –

  • Chelal says:

    I believe its all of the above! They are incapable of being moral.

    God bless!

  • ChooseRealityPLEASE says:

    Causality is everyone moral compass weather you admit it or not. Things are wrong or right because of the effects of their consequences, not because some ancient book tells you.

    While on the subject of moral bankruptcy let’s take a look at Christianity. Christianity says that if you repent and accept Jesus your sins are forgiven. This means that anything you’ve done in the past (including murder, rape, larceny…) are erased from that point on if you are sincere. So what’s to stop anyone from committing a crime or doing things that are obviously wrong to everyone and then repenting? If they are wrong and they are done someone has been hurt. If there is a system of justice in place (god) they should be held as accountable as those who do the same and do not repent. Then there is the question of how just this god really is. Is infinite punishment for finite crimes really justice?

  • RuneAmok says:

    How about christians? There are lots of them who do bad things. And since they’re knowingly and willfully breaking god’s law, that makes them even worse.

    And I’m voting for you as being the most intellectually bankrupt. Hmm “fantasy world of magic…” sounds eerily familiar….hmmmm


  • kaplah says:

    People who post hate on public boards about other groups that they don’t understand are far more morally bankrupt than any of these.

  • Pagan Rebirth says:

    If you think Christianity speaks of no dragons, you do not know your own religion.

  • shinai_inaozuke says:

    I would say that intolerant jackasses are the most morally bankrupt.

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