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Whom Do you Call Psychics?

All of us have certain amount of extra-sensual powers. That sudden feeling that there is someone outside the door in spite of not having heard the bell, or that horrifying dream about your aunt’s illness which somehow came true are all the silent work of that little extra-sensory capacities you and I both possess. Usually you brush them off as your sixth sense working over time, but what they actually are short glimpses of the subconscious potential you posses to mentally connect with events happening or about to happen around you.

Psychics are different from you and me, who usually ignore a correct guess as a lucky shot, simply in terms of their recognition of their capacities. A number of us are intuitive but very few among those actually take their talent seriously enough to further hone their skills and reach some sort of perfection. Psychics, whether trained or natural ones, recognize their skills and choose to nourish it till at some point they grow capable of attending to every single event occurring around them with far deeper concentration and focus than any regular person would. To put it simply, Psychics have a rare ability to pay attention to things as compared to ‘regular’ people.

A Little slice of History…

Psychic predictions and phenomena have been witnessed (though unknowingly) in various junctures of history. However, the very first ‘professional’ psychics emerged only in the 1840’s with the Fox Family of Hydesville, New York. This family was, it was claimed, regularly ‘visited’ by spirits who were determined to prove that life continued beyond death.

Following the ‘ghostly’ visitations the 2 daughters of the house discovered their inherent capacity to

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