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Question by which album should i get?
I want to get a red hot chili peppers album. I am deciding between blood sex sugar magik and californication. They are both great albums according to polls and reviews i’ve read but i just want one for now. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Taylor
Californication. Hands down

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to which album should i get?

  • Rocker says:

    BSSM. Its got some great tracks.

  • Bater_Salad says:

    DEFINATELY Blood Sugar Sex Magik and don’t think twice. BSSM was rock album, and is now regarded as a classic. Californication was a pop album, and is now forgotten. Besides…”Breaking the Girl”, “Under the Bridge”, “Suck My Kiss”, “Give It Away…you just can’t go wrong there. Californication’s hits were really poppy and overplayed, and the whole album is kinda depressing. It’s good, but it’s depressing. BSSM is more an upbeat funky rocky party album.

  • Melina says:

    Blood Sex Sugar Magik fo sho.

  • justin says:

    californiacation or both

  • Tomayo says:

    Californication. It has a larger variety of song types – like from AK’s rapping Around The World to his soft voiced singing – Porcelain and a big variety of guitar work like the softer stuff-Parallel Universe to the more harder stuff-Get On Top. The solos are better, in general, than on BSSM too. Californication is arguably the chilis best song though, along with dani california and under the bridge too, obviously.

  • HouseM.D<3 says:

    CALIFORNICATION DEFINATELY!! its sort of a mixture between blood sugar sex magik and stadium arcadium, so it has some ballads some softer rock song and some hard ones with means basses (especially Around the world!)

    hope this helped!

  • Skin that flick shes such lil DJ says:

    It depends really on what you like BSSM is considered one of the best albums ever created & is one of VERY few funk-rock albums, even more so by a white band.
    Fair few hits from that album are also regularly played still (under the bridge, give it away), overall its pure funk with unreal basslines & just boasts about the superiority of womans bodies, cars, men, equality the whole she-bang…its a trip you have to experience at some point right through.

    Californication has a rougher guitar sound & alot less prominent in Funk, whilst i wouldn’t call it poppy i would call it more ”90s sounding” & again is one of the defining albums of the 90s, you will recognise Otherside & Californication as the two biggies off the album.
    It has some brilliant tracks too but just my personal opinion is that i prefer their funkier stuff, if i could i’d suggest Mothers Milk (first album with their now ex guitarist Frusciante when he was at his punk-peak) its unbelievable & blends punk/funk & rap together into one brilliant style.
    Youtube few of the songs off each album & choose which you like.
    Or email me if you want more info.

    PS don’t trust critics whilst you obvisouly want to get your moneys worth, critics have their own tastes in music I’m sure there are plenty of Critics who HATE Blood sugar & californication despite how the public perceive it.

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