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new age records
by C?t

Its a New Age Requiring Background Checks

Employers no longer take job applications on face value. They are turning to doing public criminal record checks and various types of background check on new employees. Even existing employees are being checking to see if their degrees and qualifications are legitimate.

Working With Children

Because children are so vulnerable, anyone that will be working with them in any capacity will probably be subject to a background check that includes any public criminal records. You could be excluded from being employed working with children even though your criminal action was not against a child. Anyone that would commit assault or any such personal crime may be seen as a danger to someone that is powerless against them. If you have a record for drink driving, any convictione would prevent you from working with children; if your potential employer thinks that you have a problem with alcohol consumption, this can be dangerous. If you are going to be working with children as a school bus driver, driving instructor, or teacher at a school or day care center, these types of charges on the public records would be problematic. Any type of job that involves children will make you more prone to scrutiny.

Working With Money

When considering a check of public criminal records for a potential employer, companies consider those who may be working regularly with money. Those who handle cash could be cashiers, tellers at the bank, those working at a casino or anyone that handles cash for the business. But actual cash is not the only concern. Anyone with access to anyone else’s financial records or to the company accounts can also be run through these public criminal

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