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Quartz is used in common electrical appliences like mobile phones, watches, speakers etc… This clip takes you through a stunning display of Kovarskis Collection Jewellery along with healing imagery & poses the question: “If quartz can regulate energy in all those devices, what can it do to us?”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

11 Responses to Crystal Energies

  • sypha0x says:

    I agree with you wholeheartedly I would like to also add on that at the atomic level wavelengths are constantly bombarded with interruptions, crystals help filter these other wavelengths and harnesses and tunes to a specific wavelength the crystal oscillates evenly through time.

  • dylantscott says:

    i had a vision of amazing blue beautiful crystals and it put me in tears, i dont know what it meant but it was profound.

  • kovalien says:

    Using crystals and other assorted stones in orgonite creates an amazing vibration. It also speeds up the ascension process.

  • darthdave666 says:

    quartz is a good conductor of electricity and the other crystals look real pretty so keep mining it i say some people on here comment like crystal is alive haha

  • darthdave666 says:

    quartz is a decent conductor for electricity all the other crystals look real pretty keep mining it out the ground some people on here talk like crystals are alive !!! or something haha

  • nesskovarskis says:

    I agree. Crystals dont heal people. Same as a hammer wont bang in a nail until it is picked up & used for the purpose it was intended. Crystals regulate energy, this has been proven in science. Healing is a by-product of the energy within our bodies resonating in harmony.

  • unrest655321 says:

    If crystals could actually heal people, they wouldn’t continually fail rigorous, double-blind, scientific testing.

    How can an argument get any simpler?

  • guyglowmore1 says:

    by removing crystals from under the sacred earth people are causing great distress. they belong underground where they were born. they serve purpose without us having to mine or use or wear them. this commercialism of the crystals is just another of the myriad ways we have lost touch, lost our understanding of and empathy for this planet we all share

  • primal111 says:

    orgonite has heaps of crystals in it orgonite is the best thing crystals have done for man kind

  • spiritualstu says:

    I wish more people would take the time to understand what crystals can really offer us.
    Thank you for this :0)


  • jolandasterbloem says:


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