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Question by airmansgirl2003: what is celtic druidism and in what ways would it effect my marriage?
Hi everyone… I was wondering if anyone knew what druidism is? My Husband wants to go back into Druidism and dont know much about it… like what are their beliefs, rituals etc…? and I read something about sex magic what is that?

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7 Responses to what is celtic druidism and in what ways would it effect my marriage?

  • phrog says:
  • Laine says:

    the best way to go about it is find your local Pagan, Wicca, druid groups. and start asking questions more so sit your Husband down and ask him. I am a Pagan Married to a Catholic and neither one of our religions interfere with our marriage. Effect our marriage yes I celebrate his holidays ( tolerate) and he does mines as well it takes compromise and understanding. I would loose the “magic ideas” right off this is real world.. its not harry potter and what the “magic” is actually can be construed as a form of Prayer.

  • parcequilfaut says:

    “Celtic Druidism” is kind of a misnomer; sex magic has nothing to do with Druidism; check out the ADF or a book by Isaac Bonewitz for more info.

  • Saja L says:

    Each Druid is different. You need to talk to your husband and ask, “how will this affect our vows?” I cannot think of a way that it will in any way impact the vows you took when you married him unless he is also wanting to make a lifestyle change in which case he should tell you when you ask him about his personal beliefs in being a Druid. Best of luck.

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    Depends upon exactly what he means by Druidism – there’s a number of different things out there that go by the same name, so there’s a certain amount of variety.

    For the most part, though, the Druids were the learned class of the ancient Celts; most modern Druid groups focus on the priestly aspects of the Druids. So, you’re going to see seasonal festivals, Celtic polytheism… some stuff that might seem a little odd if you’re not familiar with it, but nothing that’s harmful or really off-the-wall.

    Sex magic isn’t a typical thing in Druidism, from what I’ve seen. Some folks practice it, but of them few that I know of who do, they normally do so within the constraints of an established relationship. The quickest (if somewhat incomplete) description of it is prayer through action – much the same as some people can view charity work as an act of devotion to God, sex magic can be seen as an act of devotion to the gods. Really, though, it’s something you should bring up with him, because, as I said, it’s not something everyone does.

    Overall, it doesn’t need to have any impact on your marriage. There’s probably going to be some time while he’s doing some reading and while you’re trying to get a sense of things; likewise, there’s probably going to be some time when he wants to get in touch with others of the faith. It’ll definitely go smoother if you keep communication lines open, but as long as that happens, you should be fine.

  • Ard-Drui says:


    You seem to intimate that either he won`t tell you, or that you won`t ask-

    Celtic Druidism is the only Druidism there is-unless they are a New-Age spin off, and are Druids in name only.

    Check the links that the other answerers have provided, but first ask Hubby to expand on his desire.

    “Sex Magic” is usually found within Priapic Cults, and is not something a beginning Druid would find in the lesson-plan.


  • critterdefendermatt says:

    Some folks see Druidism simply as “Nature is Good”, and some folks view Druidism as a specific and organized style of religion. Ask your husband what his view of Druidism is, since he has done it before.

    The links shown in the others responses are a great start.
    Do some info digging, and keep asking questions. Then, based on your understanding of the information available, you may after a time feel what your unique perspective of ‘Druidism’ is.

    Developing a greater understanding of Druidism between the two of you may or may not affect your marriage. How you interpret and apply it may. That’s up to you two. To offer a testimonial; I feel that the relationship I’ve got with with my wife is strengthened because of my beliefs as a druid. I love and respect her as she is in her unique natural state; doing her thing with her belief system and being herself. It granted me a perspective that enriches our relationship. It has a positive and balancing effect for us.

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