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newage tarot
by jovike

When Gifts Go Wrong

When Gifts Go Wrong

Occasionally, something that starts out as a heartfelt sentiment or a desire to make somebody smile turns out to be something that was not intended at all. Most of the time people can remember that it is the thought that counts. There are times when this is made more difficult when greeting cards or gifts to go horribly wrong.

One thing that you can do that can make gift giving go awry is to give gifts that please the receiver but that cause pain or hardship to others around them. A common example of this type of gift-giving is the mischievous aunt or uncle who sends their young nephew a drum set. They will not have to be around for the headache-inducing lessons and the incessant pounding of the bass drum but they do enjoy the feeling of giving to others. If you are this mischievous aunt or uncle do not be surprised if you are not invited to the next family picnic.

Next up on the list are the gifts or greeting cards that are appropriate for almost no-one. Suppose you have just started dating somebody. This happens most often to men; they might feel that sending a card with risqué words or pictures or something that they bought from the sex shop would be in really funny, tongue-in-cheek thing to do. Often it does not turn out this way. The receiver is left in the state of complete shock and there have been many times in the history of dating when something like this has ended up being a deal breaker.

Sometimes it can be a gift that in another setting would be perfectly appropriate but it is simply delivered at the wrong place or time. Suppose you and your partner have been dating for a while and you have become fairly intimate with each other. You even share a good

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