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Advanced Chakra Meditation

Advanced Chakra Activation Meditation 30-40 minutes Sit in a lotus position on the floor, or in a steady chair with your back straight. Breathe in and out slowly for about 5 minutes, visualizing pure energy filling you with every breath, and tension leaving you with every exhalation. Think only about the breath. If other thoughts come into your mind, immediately refocus your mind only on the inhalation and exhalation of pure universal energy. After 5 minutes, or when you feel completely peaceful and focused, say (either out loud or internally) the following sentences in order with each inhalation and exhalation: Breathing in peace, breathing out tension. Breathing in unity, breathing out differentiation. Breathing in compassion, breathing out hatred. Breathing in success, breathing out failure. Breathing in health, breathing out sickness. Breathing in joy, breathing out sadness. Breathing in wealth, breathing out poverty. When you finish the sentences above, breathe deeply in and out three more times, visualizing pure energy filling every part of your body. Hold your hands in front of your body, palms facing one another about 6 inches apart. As you breathe in, feel universal energy storing in your solar plexus region. As you breathe out, visualize powerful streams of universal energy flowing through your palms and forming an energy sphere between your palms. Continue visualizing this for at least 3 minutes. On the next inhalation, place your palms on your crown chakra, and see a pure stream of energy pouring down from above into your solar plexus region. As you breathe in,

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