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We see pagan tradition through the prism of generations of modern religious thought. Through history and prehistory, the representations of the ancient gods and traditions followed by pagans have been marred by propaganda from other religious groups eager to rein in those they defined as `wild barbarians`. In truth, the word pagan is a Roman term meaning `country folk`, and the general concept of paganism is of oneness with nature and a quest to fully understand the world around us. Though historical accounts lead us to images of stone dildo-wielding women flashing their genitals at cattle, chieftains having sex with horses before slaughtering them and whipping sessions in mixed saunas, the underlying theme is of human similarity with animals and nature. Where modern religion aims to emphasise the difference between humans and the world around us, the ancient pagan perspective is that human beings are interdependent with the world they inhabit and that sexuality is a powerful and natural element in the success of a people.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

9 Responses to Pagans – Sexy Beasts 4/5

  • MsStormcrow says:

    @maunus I agree with you, about sex being sacred, and that the view on sex is FINALLY changing from shame and being something dirty, but it has also gone a bit too far left of center, and seems to ALL be about physical gratification. What we need is a combination of the physical joys of sex and the spiritual & emotional connection we are supposed to feel while having sex. only then will we truly have ecstasy.

  • MsStormcrow says:

    The pagans of the past did not see sex in the same way many people do nowadays after hundreds of years of being told it’s dirty, shameful and wrong. The pagans saw it as a wonderful part of life, & like the animals were not ashamed. Animals were seen as fertile and therefore people would take on a aspect of that animal to be endowed with it’s fertility and virility. they also saw sex as sacred, part of the great wheel/ cycle of life. I wish people still thought like that.

  • maunus says:

    I don’t know about you, but people liked my comment =)

  • KC101X says:

    What are you talkinga bout you stupid bastard? It used to mean something special; sex. Giving life. Today it is just beastiality, fucking, cumming, moaning. You’re just infected with the modern day dogmas and only reach back to paganism beacuse you think it fits what you already think, but it doesn’t. It’s not even close.

  • JuniusFaction says:

    Sensual dancing is not something exclusive to any one culture.

  • maunus says:

    It’s good that the culture today is in someways coming back to the pagan ways: people have become less conservative and more sexual. But if only we would consider the sexual as something sacred(rather than immorally sensual) it would be perfect

  • illeistheshizzle says:

    Perhaps they didn’t exactly dance to middle-eastern music and move like a belly dancer.

  • ne0nsurf says:

    belly dancing? i call fraud

  • FireChildSlytherin5 says:

    Very interesting. Thank you for posting.

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