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Need a plastic Shaman? Look no more! We got you! Native spirituality for sale!! come one come all! Sorry for the Bad quality. Major conversion issues. But hey!!! We’re lil rez boys….what do you expect!?!?!! An improv short we made in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Give us a crappy camera and 20 minutes and we will deliver something random. haha
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to Indian Names for Sale!

  • kutekerri says:

    @SpiritGirlSF because of the movies – i know, SAD – we ALL think wrong things about our brothers and sisters! they think that we all are like the brainwashed main stream zombies — they think that we are all either like the Nazi’s who were the terrorists that steal land and exploit lives, or seeking their ways… we are different – many of us compassionate and wise, we are all family! It’s ok that they assume things – it’s not a sin to assume, we all do, smile sis! people can think as they wish

  • mexin8ive101 says:


  • SpiritGirlSF says:

    Is this really what Native American’s think of us white women?! That is soooo sad….. I am really grateful for I know I am not like that.

  • lissapasap says:



  • sp0ttedp0ny330 says:

    @lissapasap i bet you have a lot of fun with them if they have this
    kind of humor!!! LOL glad to see good clean fun like this
    i’m stil crackin up over “hey Lusty, I’m Winds in His Hair, I won’t forget you”
    ROFL…. ;-D CASH ONLY!!!!

  • kutekerri says:

    I am not Native, live in La – don’t understand ur humor and didn’t read script. deal with small lg phone, i’m sorry – I have always hoped that amony the f’rs in our war torn societies, that the Natives would be the strongest spiritually. There really are some who exploit – i feel that the ceremonies are sacred and meant to maintain peace and harmony… sorry, i hope to understand Indian humor someday, as for now – i’m just from the brainwashed and confused white world :.) thanks

  • lissapasap says:


    word!! LOLZ just reminds me of my brothers cchhaaa!! =D

  • darkstarwolf says:

    @kutekerri lol sweety i think you need to peak in the mirror a little obviously your def not a skin because you would understand our humor so pay 50 bucks more for stolen ceremony and perhaps you can be native like us.. until then pay the

  • sp0ttedp0ny330 says:

    ROFL toooooo funny!!!!! see what happens when Rez boys get bored in the city? LOL

  • whitecapsioux says:

    CASH ONLY!! lmao

  • madblunted says:

    fuuuck.. lmao….

  • stronghorse22 says:

    HAHAHAHAHA *cough splutter* HAHAHAHAHA!
    Maybe I shoulda gone to you guys instead of my dad naming me. Brilliant. You deserve an ward for this video.

  • unshodpony says:

    Hilarioussssssssss…HAHAHAHAHA….”Shes coming back” hahahaha

  • Chuquai says:

    Cracked me up, bros!! Too funny!! Man if you guys do this in Germany, you’d be rich inside a week!

  • if3amisgone says:

    those who are offended do not understand satire. it’s not real! it’s unfortunate that stuff like this DOES happen irl, but this was a joke about it. seriously you guys. it made me laugh!!! 🙂 i thought it was funny when the girl kept saying oh my god yeah! to pretty much everything & dude, i’m sorry i was thinkin off the top of my head lolll hahahaha

  • dovie317 says:

    @kutekerri This was a joke, poking fun at the stereotypes that are made about us Natives. The woman you see there was acting, as well as the men. The onlookers were, obviously, caught off-guard, but enjoyed the show. Please read the video description and stop assuming things.

  • Eeyorewatch08 says:

    LMAO!!!!! You guys are SO funny! ….I am WIND IN HIS HAIR…….LOL
    Keep the improv comin’ my brothers! ;D

  • mexin8ive101 says:


  • kutekerri says:

    it’s kinda dangerous to have such a grandious attititude – but if u like it, so be it – wish i could find a mountain top, and i don’t give a f what u wanna call me – it’s ur problem, not mine – keep on being a plastic shaman and making fun of people who have been victims of many lies already!

  • darkstarwolf says:

    @kutekerri omg you twinkie why dont you go find yourself a mountain top and live your name dances with squashed road kill at the bottom of a cliff. now theres a strong name and given t you by a Lakota see Lakota names are better because all tribes wanna be like us. lmfao. ooh man keep it up guys you made me laugh so hard i cried. for reals and you know its hard to make a Lakota cry because we are so stoic

  • albrightcreative says:

    “OMG yah.”

  • raldogtm says:

    Lmao! Lusty is a strong name, strong like Laughing Beaver and Growling Owl.

  • kutekerri says:

    very disappointing, i thought the world was getting better! what some people will do for a buck to those who just want to belong! most people will laugh, but I am crying

  • SharMacawi says:

    haha…dances with wolves.

  • ZstarOdustE says:

    “Only that White mans metal.”

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