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Question by Aaron S: isn’t it ironic that easter come from pagan origins???
is it not true that easter comes from pagan roots?? with the pagan goddess ishtar (eshtar) and that easter used to worship. ishtar was the goddess of fertility, new life and goddess of spring and also claiming that the worship of Bel and Astarte was anciently introduced into Britain, and that the hot cross buns of Good Friday and dyed eggs of Easter Sunday figured in the Chaldean rites just as they allegedly do.

Correct me if im wrong but Joulupukki ( aswell coming from finnish pagan roots is where santa claus’s origins come from.

the funny thing is, is that these are all huge christian holidays but the ironic thing is in general christians believe all pagan religions to be evil when the very essense of christianity is pagan.
larry i bet you havent even looked into it and any ‘learned person’ would agree with me
ummm last time i checked being catholic is christian

Best answer:

Answer by Adam T
Christmas, valentines day, Easter, just about all of them are pagan.

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8 Responses to isn’t it ironic that easter come from pagan origins???

  • A Reflection of You says:

    you’re confusing Christianity with Catholicism

  • says:

    No Christians are thieves , oh that was hateful, I’m sorry forgive me Christians

  • Larry R says:

    is it not true that easter comes from pagan roots??

    No. It is not.

    Neither is the story about Santa Claus. The Santa story comes from St. Nicholas.

    What you are talking about is… well it is the sort of thing that comes out of the hind end of a cow… and I’m not talking methane. (Wikipedia is not the best source in the world.)

    If you really think the essense of Christianity is pagan, then you know nothing about Christianity.

  • kclightman says:

    Adopting the holidays for one made it easier to get converts, because the festivals are too much fun and no one wanted to lose them. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

    But really, if you think about it, we’re all celebrating the same things on those days.. new life (Easter), light in the midst of darkness (Christmas) etc… just with different symbols. These concepts are universal.

    We may not like each other, but we have more in common than we realize. Ironic, maybe, but, a lot of life turns out this way.

  • superstang99_4485 says:

    Yeah, all holidays have pagan roots. Its best not to get involved with that at all. But, yes, what does the easter bunny, and eggs have to do with the resurrection of Jesus??? Absolutely nothing. Its stupid. They try to incorperate crap in with the truth.
    But, you are right. Great question.
    Oh and the person that said that you are confusing christianity with catholics, you celebrate it to, don’t you?

  • utuk says:

    1) Easter did not come from Ishtar. Ever heard of the English word “East”? See a connection in terminology? The word “easter” started out as “eastern.” The Greek is Pascha, or Passover – the term still used in Greek-speaking Churches. Of all the pagan elements that are actually present in Christianity, Easter just happens to not be one of them.

    2) Early Christianity was not overtly hostile to paganism – Christianity was a ‘pagan’ religion from its inception.

    3) Don’t get your theology from comic books.

  • Fire & Ice says:

    It is absurd to suggest “the very essence of Christianity is pagan” nor do you provide any evidence to support so brash a claim. Early Christianity was very sincretic,albeit only in pragmatic concerns. Missionary monks were encouraged to attach Christian meaning to established local custom wherever possible; it made for an easier transition. It doesn’t matter in any event what significance this or that custom might originally have had; it only matters what significance it has now. Easter is now a Christian holiday,period. Same with the rest of it,all ours. These days you would call it co-optation if not petty plagiarism. Anyway whats done is done,as gramps used to say.

  • Noble Angel says:

    Babylon to be exact

    Queen Semiramis, wife of Nimrod,(and Tammuz who she claimed was Nimrod reborn) became known as “Ishtar” which is pronounced “Easter”, and her moon egg became known as “Ishtar’s” egg.

    It was Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.
    Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.
    (this is just a little of the whole long story)

    It was the Catholic church that decided to add them to their customs to make the people happy.

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