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Women Rights in Islam – (1) Mothers’ Rights

Islam has greatly emphasized the topic of affectionate, caring, devoting and respecting the parents, the mother and the father. In our babyhood and childhood, we essentially required the defense, feel affection, development and cultivation from our parents. On the other hand, when our parents become old, they need us to look after them and take care of them.

For more than 1400 years ago, the Prophet Muhammad said:” The paradise is under the feet of the mothers”.

“Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship (anyone) but Allah and that you be kind and good to the parents. If either or both of them reach old age while they are with you, say not to them a word of contempt, (so much as) ‘Ugh’ nor chide them, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor and generous words. And, out of kindness and mercy, lower for them ‘the wings of humility’ out of mercy; and pray; and say ‘O my Lord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. ” (Surah 17:23-24).

This means not saying anything that may contain the slightest hint of irritation. [The word ‘uff’ (like ‘Ugh’) in the verse, translated here as ‘a word of disrespect’] comes from the word ‘aff’, which is similar to the word ‘taff’; both words refer to the dirt that collects under fingernails, and [in Arabic] when one is annoyed and fed up with something, one says ‘uff!’ to it.

Mother’ Rights is three times than father’!

Nevertheless, out of the two parents, the mother has been given superior preference as far as compassion and sympathy is concerned.

This story illustrates that:

A man came to the Prophet

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