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by Ibán

Spell Checking Software? – 5 Reasons to Get it Now!

Advances in computer logic and linguistics have brought about a new and better spell checking software. This program uses something called Natural Language Processing (NLP), a system that reads your sentences and compares them to a stored database of writing, enabling it to correct your mistakes and suggest improvements. There are five ways it can help your writing:

1. Contextual Spell Checker

Since this system reads whole sentences, and not merely words, it can spot spelling errors of context that an ordinary spell checker cannot.

2. Corrects Grammar and Punctuation

As it reads through your sentences, this grammar and spell checking software will correct any errors in grammar and punctuation. Many checkers, like the one integrated into Word, are not able to analyze sentence structures. This alone makes it far more advanced than most spell checkers!

3. Improves Your Use of Words and Vocabulary

The NLP process enables the software to suggest better words and usages. This essentially means that your vocabulary is instantly expanded, as you have new words automatically fed to you!

4. Upgrades Your Communication Skills

As your writing improves and is sent out without errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation, your communication skills will instantly improve. Whatever you send out, whether emails, reports, queries or requests, will be more effective.

5. A Time Management Tool

You can

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