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Date: 16th March 2010 Host: George Noory Guests: Norio Hayakawa & Sandra Ingerman Unorthodox ufologist Norio Hayakawa presented his views and research on UFOs, clandestine government activities, and the mysterious Dulce, New Mexico area, rumored to house an underground base. The state of New Mexico itself has been a hotbed of paranormal and UFO activity going back to 1947, he reported. Starting with the Roswell Incident, “the year 1947 was the beginning of a conditioning of belief systems…carefully orchestrated for future events,” he commented. He believes the Roswell crash was staged “by an unknown intelligence” in collusion with an elite part of the US government. UFOs are neither flying nor objects, but rather part of an intelligence that co-exists with us and has the ability to materialize, he explained. Hayakawa was one of the first to bring Project Bluebeam to public attention in his 1995 documentary video Secrets of Dreamland, which suggested that a covert government would have sufficient technology to artificially simulate a UFO threat in order to bring about a forced global unity. Regarding Dulce, he has not found direct physical evidence for an underground base there, yet, there have been many strange reports and sightings in the area which encompasses the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. “I think there’s a reality on another level that we may not be able to see with our physical eyes” and a base could exist at Dulce in a non-physical realm, he shared. Shamanic
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Date: 16th March 2010 Host: George Noory Guests: Norio Hayakawa & Sandra Ingerman Unorthodox ufologist Norio Hayakawa presented his views and research on UFOs, clandestine government activities, and the mysterious Dulce, New Mexico area, rumored to house an underground base. The state of New Mexico itself has been a hotbed of paranormal and UFO activity going back to 1947, he reported. Starting with the Roswell Incident, “the year 1947 was the beginning of a conditioning of belief systems…carefully orchestrated for future events,” he commented. He believes the Roswell crash was staged “by an unknown intelligence” in collusion with an elite part of the US government. UFOs are neither flying nor objects, but rather part of an intelligence that co-exists with us and has the ability to materialize, he explained. Hayakawa was one of the first to bring Project Bluebeam to public attention in his 1995 documentary video Secrets of Dreamland, which suggested that a covert government would have sufficient technology to artificially simulate a UFO threat in order to bring about a forced global unity. Regarding Dulce, he has not found direct physical evidence for an underground base there, yet, there have been many strange reports and sightings in the area which encompasses the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. “I think there’s a reality on another level that we may not be able to see with our physical eyes” and a base could exist at Dulce in a non-physical realm, he shared. Shamanic
Video Rating: 5 / 5

14 Responses to Coast 2 Coast AM – Secret Govt, Ufology, & Dulce Part 5

  • kodymac420 says:

    what kind of school studies would help me get into this type of stuff

  • XtremeDance10 says:

    Annunaki Reptilians Nephilims what about them? and what about Nibiru Plant-X and Human Dna chane? and this whole 2012?

  • dyroy1 says:

    I think that the government and aliens have programmed/brainwashed an army of crows called the army of hitchcock to control us all! Help us charlie sheen….

  • DALKINION says:

    Enough with the circumstantial and its there and not really there crap.

  • DALKINION says:

    testicularly its possible I suppose.

  • greg357159 says:

    There is”physical” evidence. Dr.Jonathan Reed’s “artifact” . Dr. Lear’s (California surgeon) implants taken from abduction witnesses. Your guest is wrong on this fact. I’m still interested in what he has to say, and agree his points of views on other realities.

  • MrDuffy81 says:

    Tell those abductees that the aliens are not physical!

    Thomas Castello, who worked in the dulce base as a security officer, worked next to the reptilians on level 7! Look him up and listen to the 10 part interview posted by user/spiritualessence…

  • XtremeDance10 says:

    This life we live in right now is not reaity its a made up imagination land.. this life right now is called a minipulated system to control humanity of power and money .

  • johnnyappleseedism says:

    @MrDuffy81 by the end, bill cooper had admitted he thought it was all government propaganda to get us to believe aliens. that way, we still give them trillions to build weapons, even though we are sick of war.

  • VonBraun87545 says:

    The man that George Noory is is interviewing is either totally clueless concerning UFOs and Dulce or he is a passive disinformationist. Is there solid material proof of UFOs? YES. Where? Moved to underground military bases and stored as witnessed by witnesses how could he not know this? George is very polite and is also a Passive Disinformationist. Art Bell is the real deal.

  • noriohaya says:

    Thank you so much, gaiaresistance, for posting this. Mr. George Noory is a gentleman and a scholar and an excellent interviewer. I really enjoyed appearing on this show on March 16, 2010.

  • DALKINION says:

    I’d have a gas mask also If was removing a bovine’s rectal cavity, doesn’t matter what planet your from !

  • macholibre77 says:

    With no one to protect them
    Put this into the youtube search engine.
    If you can get to minute 6 WITHOUT crying…
    I’ll PERSONALLY send you 25.00 with paypal.
    Try it.

  • MrDuffy81 says:

    I am quite sure that the Dr. is incorrect about area 51.

    OF COURSE there are ufos there, and alien stuff.

    Didn’t William Cooper take video of the ufos over area 51? I don’t think it was S-4.
    Not saying s-4 doesn’t have ufo/alien stuff, either. Just sayin 51 is alien related.

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